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53 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

Ich rate Karma zum Umzug nach B2.   Sie scheint sich dort viel wohler zu fühlen als in B 4. Dort  hat sie niemanden mehr zur Kommunikation . Aziza wäre noch da aber sie ist ein Irrlicht und zu jung und flippig für die eher ernsthafte Karma.

Wo sich Karma wohler fühlt kann ich nix zu sagen, was ich aber sehen kann das Karma sich sehr gut mit Nadja zu verstehen scheint.

Ich weiß zwar nicht worüber sie reden aber es scheint das Karma die Unterhaltung mit Nadja gefällt und sie kommt mal raus und kann die miese Atmosphäre in B4 für ein paar Tage vergessen


Rattlesnake 316 makes a very good point, indeed all three girls in B2 seem to get on very well as does Aziza when she joins them. Nadja loves to talk while Karma is quite happy to listen for the most part but all the girls seem to laugh a lot which is always a good thing. Both Nadja and Karma obviously have a very deep interest in the mystical while Dayana has a somewhat more practical and "up and at them" view of life with a very good positive attitude. What was very interesting indeed was the conversation between Karma and Dayana about present and previous boyfriends and particularly when it turned out that Dayana had had a very similar relationship and experience to the one Karma is presently or perhaps was having with her own "Mystic Meg" fella. Karma said something very interesting about her "open relationship" with this fellow,  to him and under his rules it seems the "open relationship" means that he can do whatever he likes but Karma must sit around and wait for him to show up at B4 whenever it suits him, he doesn't bother to contact her in any way whatsoever between visits which of course, says it all, this is commonly known as "having your cake and eating it", he is, in every way just as controlling as the Italian and Wolf are. Dayana was clearly struggling to believe that Karma would put up with such nonsense, however Karma is an intelligent and thoughtful person who clearly treats others as she would like to be treated which leaves her open to the likes of Mystic Meg and it is most unlikely that Karma is the first lady to fall for his perceived mysticism or his soup bowl and stick! 

One last point for those who complain about Karma's pre-eminence on the RLC site and the playbacks, Karma moves into B2 for a few days and the interest in B2 goes up while the interest in B4 is stagnant. 

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3 hours ago, Gerald Knauft said:

I advise Karma to move to B2. She seems to feel much more comfortable there than in B 4. There she has no one left to communicate with. Aziza would still be there, but she's a will-o'-the-wisp and too young and funky for the more serious karma.

Or she could just leave the project...that's another option.

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3 hours ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

I can't say anything about where Karma feels more comfortable, but what I can see is that Karma seems to get along very well with Nadja.

I don't know what they're talking about, but it seems that Karma likes the conversation with Nadja and she comes out and can forget the bad atmosphere in B4 for a few days

There is no bad atmosphere at B4. Everyone recently partied together and had a good time apart from her, she stayed with Tantra most of the evening. A number of people went to her room to ask if she was joining them but Tantra being the manipulative one ensured she stayed with him and she did not look happy...so to suggest bad atmosphere is incorrect...if there was then she is part of that bad atmosphere...and it appears she hasn't showered in 2 days now...she must stink like roadkill, unless I have missed her showering at B2 since she has been staying there.   


Yes, I've noticed that too, even the people who don't like Karma write their hands sore in the b4 topic when Karma is there and we talk about them, but when Karma is not there even the people are quiet

Thanks Walter for your post, you summed it up really well

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4 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Yes, I've noticed that too, even the people who don't like Karma write their hands sore in the b4 topic when Karma is there and we talk about them, but when Karma is not there even the people are quiet

Thanks Walter for your post, you summed it up really well

It's a discussion group...do you really think EVERYONE here likes everyone in the project...no...so people are allowed to talk against the tenants and also in favour if them...both are natural, so what's your point.  

29 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

Sì, ho notato anche questo, anche le persone a cui non piace il Karma scrivono con le mani doloranti nel topic b4 quando c'è Karma e se ne parla, ma quando non c'è Karma anche la gente sta zitta

Grazie Walter per il tuo post, lo hai riassunto davvero bene

Il bello e’ che di Karma si puo’ parlare male chiamandola puttana o che puzza, e del Tantra che e’ un manipolatore o addirittura e’ stato paragonato ad una scimmia😏 ma guai se si parla male di Massimo perche’ scendono Cristi, Madonne e tutto il paradiso.

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10 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Il bello e’ che di Karma si puo’ parlare male chiamandola puttana o che puzza, e del Tantra che e’ un manipolatore o addirittura e’ stato paragonato ad una scimmia😏 ma guai se si parla male di Massimo perche’ scendono Cristi, Madonne e tutto il paradiso.

la cosa buona è che non devo leggere tutte le stronzate degli altri, quindi non me ne frega niente di quello che scrivono o meno.

Già lo abbiamo visto troppe volte, tutti vogliono essere come Max dietro il loro pc ma quando sono nella vita reale sono come lacrim

Lacrim è come Numi, solo qualcuno che riempie i letti vuoti.

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1 hour ago, TfiDeano said:

Oder sie könnte das Projekt einfach verlassen ... das ist eine andere Option.

Denken sie ernsthaft daß es dann besser wird ? Welches Wunder -Mädchen , denken sie, kommt dann nach  ihr ? Ich sage ihnen : erst einmal niemand. Noch ein leeres Bett , noch ein leeres Zimmer als prima Kameraobjekt. Denken sie etwa daß es Zufall ist wenn leere Betten so lange leer bleiben ? Ein Bett mit Karma ist immer noch besser als ein Bett mit frischen Handtüchern die wochenlang auf ihre Benutzung warten ? Könnte es sein daß ihr Urteil über Karma positiver ausfallen würde wenn sie am Tag drei mal masturbieren würde und sich dem überheblichen Sexprotz , am besten mit Sara zusammen, widerstandslos ergeben hätte ? Haben sie gegenüber z.B.  Tonia auch so eine Obsession ? 

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3 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

Do you seriously think that it will get better? What miracle girl, they think, will come after her? I tell them: first of all, no one. Another empty bed, another empty room as a great camera object. Do you think it is a coincidence that empty beds remain empty for so long? A bed with karma is still better than a bed with fresh towels that wait weeks to be used ? Could it be that her judgment of karma would be more positive if she masturbated three times a day and surrendered to the arrogant sex provisor, preferably together with Sara, without resistance? Do you also have such an obsession with Tonia, for example?

There are many participants that do not deserve to be in the project, and there is only a handful that entertain me personally enough to watch. We may all laugh, we may all cringe, we may all agree, we may all disagree...but what often entertains me is the process of thought by some of the people on here with how they supposedly support one tenant but they knit-pick at what another tenant does simply because their dislike for someone outweighs their desire for the one they enjoy watching, which often results in BS being posted here because of who they dislike. I am guilty of this like everyone else is but sometimes the dislike and knit picking is relentless and utterly ridiculous. I am sure if we all could, we would all get along like a happy family and have group hugs now and again but it's clear that will never happen. RLC for me is about watching people do people things...it is not a porn site, and I don't go looking for sexers and baters on here. I just watch what I feel like watching at the time even when others might be having sexy time or bating.  

7 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Es gibt viele Teilnehmer, die es nicht verdienen, an dem Projekt teilzunehmen, und es gibt nur eine Handvoll, die mich persönlich genug unterhalten, um zuzusehen. Wir mögen alle lachen, wir können alle zusammenzucken, wir sind uns vielleicht alle einig, wir sind vielleicht alle anderer Meinung ... aber was mich oft unterhält, ist der Denkprozess einiger Leute hier darüber, wie sie angeblich einen Mieter unterstützen, aber sie stricken- Wählen Sie aus, was ein anderer Mieter tut, nur weil seine Abneigung gegen jemanden größer ist als sein Verlangen nach dem, den er gerne sieht, was oft dazu führt, dass hier Blödsinn gepostet wird, weil er jemanden nicht mag. Ich bin daran schuld, wie alle anderen auch, aber manchmal ist die Abneigung und das Strickpicken unerbittlich und absolut lächerlich. Ich bin mir sicher, wenn wir alle könnten, würden wir alle wie eine glückliche Familie miteinander auskommen und uns ab und zu in der Gruppe umarmen, aber es ist klar, dass das niemals passieren wird. Für mich geht es bei RLC darum, Menschen dabei zuzusehen, wie sie andere Dinge tun. Es ist keine Pornoseite und ich suche hier nicht nach Sex- und Schlägertypen. Ich beobachte einfach, worauf ich gerade Lust habe, auch wenn andere gerade Sex haben oder Sex haben.  

Nehmen sie meinen Post nicht persönlich. Er ist es nicht, weil es  leider eine allgemeine Unsitte im Forum geworden ist eine Person, die man aus ganz persönlichen Gründen nicht mag, aus dem Projekt geworfen haben will. Man sollte aber immer daran denken daß es " für jeden Topf einen Deckel " gibt. Das soll heißen dass es immer mindestens einen anderen  Abonnenten gibt dem gerade diese Person besonders gut gefällt. Diesem Abonnenten wird dann mit dem plötzlichen Verschwinden seiner " Angebeteten "  der Grund genommen warum dieser Abonnent noch bei RLC ist. Also, weniger Abonnenten bei RLC-weniger Geld im System- Mädchen werden im Durchschnitt schlechter oder uninteressanter- weniger Abonnenten... und immer so weiter. Ich wseiß-Vergleiche oder Analogien hinken immer -aber ein wenig Wahrheit ist schon dabei.

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