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You lot are pathetic...

Guest Sir Roderick Spode

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Are there any RLC girls who can bake me a really nice pecan pie for Christmas?

Just wondering.

Maybe off topic, but I'm telling you, nothing is better than home-backed pecan pie covered with ice cream.

Just thought you ought to know.


I can do it  :) ...

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... but you have to come to Chamonix Mt-Blanc to eat it.  ;D.    Don't forget your skis. A little exercise will digest the Yule log

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I can do it  :) ...

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... but you have to come to Chamonix Mt-Blanc to eat it.  ;D.    Don't forget your skis. A little exercise will digest the Yule log

On my way across the Atlantic right now. Any chance we can hop the telephone lines over to Barcelona while I'm visiting Europe? I'm a warm weather squirrel.

Chamonix Mt-Blanc: 0°C, girls in sweaters and coats :-\

My Tree: 14°C, girls with fur and fleas. Ugh...  :(

Barcelona: 14°C, girls half-naked  :P


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I can do it  :) ...

... but you have to come to Chamonix Mt-Blanc to eat it.  ;D.    Don't forget your skis. A little exercise will digest the Yule log

On my way across the Atlantic right now. Any chance we can hop the telephone lines over to Barcelona while I'm visiting Europe? I'm a warm weather squirrel.

Chamonix Mt-Blanc: 0°C, girls in sweaters and coats :-\

My Tree: 14°C, girls with fur and fleas. Ugh...  :(

Barcelona: 14°C, girls half-naked  :P

Pas d'histoires... J'ai bien compris que tu préférais la présence des filles à la mienne ce que je comprends parfaitement. Pas grave, j'irai skier après l'avoir mangée, accompagnée dune flute de Champagne pour oublier ma solitude.


No stories... I understand that you prefer the presence of girls to mine and I understand perfectly.  :)  Okay, I'll go skiing after having eaten it and drunk a baloon of Champagne to forget my loneliness  ;)

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Pas d'histoires... J'ai bien compris que tu préférais la présence des filles à la mienne ce que je comprends parfaitement. Pas grave, j'irai skier après l'avoir mangée, accompagnée dune flute de Champagne pour oublier ma solitude.


No stories... I understand that you prefer the presence of girls to mine and I understand perfectly.  :)  Okay, I'll go skiing after having eaten it and drunk a baloon of Champagne to forget my loneliness  ;)

Nonsense. Girls LOVE cute robots as much as they do squirrels. Especially when they have as much battery power in them as you have.

You're coming with me to Barcelona. Besides, we'll desperately need your friend CP30 to translate for us if we meet up with Darkman...

(gee, did we derail this thread? Sorry if any of you were enjoying the original subject. My bad.)

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Guest Bored Stiff

you fucking pricks ,you do not know them or know where they live so why don't you all suck my cock and fuck off

Actually I do, well kind of. And if I was gay then I might take you up on your offer. Have a nice day.

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you fucking pricks ,you do not know them or know where they live so why don't you all suck my cock and fuck off

Actually I do, well kind of. And if I was gay then I might take you up on your offer. Have a nice day.

Quel courage pour nous faire cette proposition. Quelles frustrations aussi pour nous proposer cette relation gay. Bien que ce ne soit pas ma tasse de thé je ferai une exception le jour ou Squirrel te sucera. Compte sur moi pour l'accompagner et t'enculer bien profond et à sec. On t'aime !


How brave you are to make us this suggestion and offer this gay relationship. Although this is not my cup of tea, I'll make an exception the day when Squirrel sucks you. Count on me to escort and fuck your fat ass, deep and dry. We love you !  :-*

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