Cho Posted January 19, 2015 Posted January 19, 2015 I miss the FAT SUIT and the "kungfu" PLAYFIGHTS! and Kiko getting his HAIR CUT!!!! His haircuts look faggish. The hairstyle at the old apartment was called "Neo-Barbarian." It replaced the "Mullet," on the soccer circuit. I expect it's quite fashionable over there in Euro-Land, since apparently the population of barbarians invading Europe is quite large and they are reproducing like vermin. Je ne connais pas exactement l'information qui vous est donnée aux US mais elle semble quelque peu exagérée. Si l'immigration existe en effet, elle ne remplacera pas à court terme la population autochtone avant longtemps, soyez rassurés. Vous ne serez pas obligés de venir nous libérer de l'envahisseur (2nd WW). De plus et comme toujours, si certain d'entre eux peuvent être indésirables, la majorité des immigrants quitte son pays où elle meure de faim ou d'oppression avec l'espoir de trouver du travail en Europe. Le terme "vermine" est sans doute exagéré. S'il faut en effet combattre un certain radicalisme, il faut de ce fait utiliser d'autres méthodes que celles que l'on combat. Pas facile, je suis d'accord... -- I don't know exactly the information given to you in the US but it seems somewhat exaggerated. If immigration is, in fact, it does not replace the native population in the short term before long, don't worry. You won't have to come to liberate us from the invader (2nd WW). In addition, and as always, if some of them may be undesirable, the majority of immigrants leave their countries where it dies of hunger or oppression in the hope of finding work in Europe. Indeed, whether to fight a certain radicalism, we must therefore use other methods than those we fight. Not easy, I agree... ;)
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