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Leora & Paul (2024) #20

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22 minutes ago, JeannieP said:

With the freedom she now gets during the day it would be nice if she used some of it to express herself in natural lighting on the balcony while he slept. She could move to the other chair if need be while she gave us and the neighbours something special.

I get the impression you are not too keen with the balcony, whereas I think it is a natural,  from an exhibitionists perspective an ultimate location, numerous windows overlooking her as well as us witnessing. Personally if it were me I would be aching to get out there in the warm weather after being cooped up indoors all winter. I would give us and those neighbours a treat they would remember for the rest of their lives. Hehe.

Apart from that it would make such a delightful change from the usual routine that does sometimes become stale, and with only the possibility of perhaps three or four months of the year when the weather would allow it seems such a pity to waste the opportunity while at the same time giving the viewers a welcome change while Paul would not be available to interfere and spoil the occasion.

The only issue I have with the balcony is the audio. I love to hear a woman as she enjoys herself, aswell as watching it, which is why ill often comment on Leora having to bate whilst Paul is awake as she cant be as expressive/free as she is when he is sleeping or when he went out, I still enjoy watching though (dont want to risk seeing less than we've seen in the past few weeks 😉)

As for the voyeuristic/exhibitionist tease element of Leora on the Balcony. Fuck yeah, thats great. I like watching Leora nearly most of the time (go to when logging in), but fucking adore her when she is in full exhibitionist, teasing, sultry mode, when she has that time, freedom and intent to absolutely suck the viewer in and keep them on the edge of their seat  🥵

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il y a 48 minutes, blue is the colour a dit :

FSB ex KGB 😆

Bonsoir le bleu est la couleur ;

Quand il est arrivé a Prague ,on a dit qu'il réparé les portables mais nous n'avons jamais vu de portable arriver sur son bureau ,par contre on le vois des nuits ,des journées entières a prendre et écrire  des notes sur son ordinateur se balader  avec un casque jusqu'au lit avec son portable le décalage horaire avec Moscou est que 1 heure ,je me pose la question que fait il réel ment certainement du dépannage ou de la gestion de stock ,peut être un agent infiltré de plus il a déjà l'uniforme et les lunettes .

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