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Leora & Paul (2024) #22


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Good morning Good Night 

Maravilhosa quarta-feira para todos 

Wonderful Wednesday for everyone 

03/07/2024 03/July/2024

Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora Eva Paul 

👸 🐶 🤵

🐨 👯 ♀️ 🌟 🐈 😉 🐴 🦍 💀 🐊 😁 🦜 Jimbo4 duck gag her broke! jjohndoe1960 nenemoh7 maxragnar hard on chris gregg spying1 tikayou MasterchefTaxi Uppssla ddhm a howarJohnny5 pete1960 threestars howard xarvaz rdking dougiestyle4u anodo philo rezbot rame incognito tfideano h12dke voodo tfideano jonno

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7 hours ago, RdKing said:

How can a woman be so good at masturbating, teasing etc. and be such a lousy fuck?? Where is your pride and self esteem woman? People are watching you, well some people 🤣

She is riding the wave of her good looks, the ability to tease, look sexy and perform for the cams. Perhaps she thinks/realizes that she is God's gift to men and women. She doesn't seem to care about how she fucks or sucks since she probably knows that it is a waste of time to be any better with lame ass useless fuck Paul. All the porn she watches is for excitement, fantasizing and watching but not as a learning/teaching tool. She will never be a good fuck with Paul. Since Leora doesn't have good taste in men I think Ron Jeremy could have shown her a thing or two and brought out her unreleased wild side. Leora enjoys tasting her own pussy juices, loves playing with her pussy and asshole, sucks cock, swallows cum and has experimented a bit in lesbianism with Malia. Leora has potential for a more wild horny sexual life but sadly I think she has peaked in her repertoire of sexual activities as long as she is with Paul. We all know Paul is maxed out in terms of sex, mobility and usefulness. Being with Paul is the big indicator that Leora does have very low self esteem and settles for less but

she prides herself on her good looks, good hygiene (except when slobbering over Paul's cheesy cock and stinky dirty body) and her delicious body parts. Like the phrase "if you got it, flaunt it"


Some may say that the Leora and Malia pussy/anal touching each other to orgasms was clickbait. Well what do you call two guys taking turns jerking each other off - clickbait or gay or just helpful friends? If all guys let only their cock do the thinking for them (a cock has no conscience) they would be bisexual - 🍆🤣

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aprés quatre jours sans rien qui se passe dans l'appartement ,une baisse de 10 minutes sur un morts pas d'effort sa c'est sûr il ne risque pas de transpirer.

il faut que leora change  aussi un petit peu c'est position et de caméra car depuis plus de trois mois c'est les deux chambres.

la dernière dans la salle de bain et salon date de 17 et 19 mars  il faut du changement  avec un bon éclairage et mettre paul un peu a extérieur de l'appartement

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