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B1 - General Topic 2024 #8 (July / August)

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17 minutes ago, chogdad said:

Octavia left 12.58, a teary wave to the hall cam as she goes. Not often you see a tenant genuinely upset to go.

She really valued the experience of being on the project, that's nice to see and I wish more girls like her joining

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8 minutes ago, trippingalot said:

She really valued the experience of being on the project, that's nice to see and I wish more girls like her join

She was a breath of fresh air, ok, some didn't take to her monologues but that eccentricity was sweet. She didn't fall into the 'Always bate/Sleep with whoever is available' trap so many in the B's have done, and will continue to do i'm sure. I don't think she has a bad bone in her body, and i wish her all the very best.

If she ever returned, i think she'd much better suit where the Sasha/Dasha community are, it's quieter and more relaxed.

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3 hours ago, itohkata said:

Thanks for that TL;DR !

Probably a good idea to wait yes. Even tho there is actually nothing that I found in the forum rules, privacy policy or anything that prevents the tenants of having an account and posting. Or sending private messages. So that's probably an unwritten one (or well hidden). That being said (and it goes with what follows) ...

... I said it before, I can't imagine why the tenants would want to read those forums, given the sad mentality here (in average), and on the internet as a whole. We live a sad world where people shit on everything rather than trying to do better and be better. While I agree with Octavia that it wouldn't take much to have a good impact as a community, I wouldn't hope on it. With her leaving, the bastion of decency that existed on this sub will probably slowly dissolve. I used to just lurk around here, and the events here led to the pleasant surprise of finding decent people (and yes, some might be creeps, but who on this forum can seriously judge anyone ? Of any of the places... there are only creeps on that forum. We watch other people through cameras in their place ffs. Get down your righteous horses and have a look at the mirror). 

Octavia, you were a delight. You gave a new dimension to RLC and gave probably way more than you can guess. You will be truly missed. Have a great summer, enjoy life, thrust yourself (but take your time with the guys) and stay safe !

the one thing you said that is right

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