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Its funny watching Nora for two years. She was always bitchy to Kiko, they barely would have sex mostly she would sleep a lot and stagger out the room and eat soup. But! when she did feel frisky she was a passionate love and that ass is spectacular. She always has shown an artistic with dancing, movies, music and she had friends before and they were hot too. This apt in itself is doomed. She has the same characteristics as before but it is simply a different dynamic. Roommates versus a couple situation. More bitch, more creative, more showing sexuality. Blame the RLC for bad project. Don't blame the participants. This apt. is unique.

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On ‎2015‎-‎05‎-‎21 at 10:19 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

This thread is now funny.

Here we have a Frenchman telling Spaniards to write in English, and this Frenchman writes better English than half of the Americans on this board!

this forum is just for trilingual people.  :)

to learn English, French and Spanish, current intensive voyeur

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Fuck! Not to work or doing absolutely nothing and charge $ 50 every two weeks for food... how the girl cares! A bowl full of prawns! I don't know in other countries, but here in Spain have a price that is not at the level of every Pocket! RLC and this girl are the biggest scam that can be seen on the internet!

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