Guest NL Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 OK, so I got myself banned again, one day after being assisted by another CC member. I still have access to the free cams but that's all. If CC members want me to continue to post videos, then I can only do it if one of the following happens: 1. A kind CC member sets up an account for me to use no double logins... 2. Any existing RLC members who have videos but who wish to remain anonymous (in case they get banned) can PM me links to their videos or to their .stream files and I will process/edit and post up as many as I can. If anyone is going to do Option 2 then I would prefer raw video stream files (if you use RTMPDump) as i am not able to crop videos to remove the signature code. That's all I can offer from now on.....
JoJoGunne Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 Dude!! Did you have to cross-post your message all over the forum? I mean, seriously, making one post in Random Discussion would have done the job, don't you think?
taporder Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 Ich glaube NL brennt es unter den Nägeln wieder Zugang zu bekommen...! ???
Guest NL Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 On 7/5/2013 at 9:52 AM, JoJoGunne said: Dude!! Did you have to cross-post your message all over the forum? I mean, seriously, making one post in Random Discussion would have done the job, don't you think? Well, I thought that some people only look at one or two sections, and I have had so many requests via PM to record things for CC members that I just wanted to make the announcement as widely as possible. I have also had quite a lot of abusive/arsey PMs as well so I am going to quit this forum and those who clamour after videos without contributing anything can go F*** themselves......(this in no way includes "certain" members, and they know who they are - many thanks to the generous and supportive guys out there for allowing me to do what I did for a couple of months - maybe I will re-appear at some point down the road...who knows). See Ya!
acerikrion Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 REALLIFECAM, I WILL return, you is not nothing, you is SHIT!
Guest Squirrel Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 Dammit! First, we lose Lina & Mark's cats. Next, we lose Noralover aka NL aka etc. And if Nora leaves, I'll have nothing of interest to check out on RLC or Camcaps. Hell, maybe I should pack up too, and just go back to 4 chan! We'll miss ya, bro!
Guest NullBurner Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 On 7/5/2013 at 3:45 PM, NL said: Quote Dude!! Did you have to cross-post your message all over the forum? I mean, seriously, making one post in Random Discussion would have done the job, don't you think? Well, I thought that some people only look at one or two sections, and I have had so many requests via PM to record things for CC members that I just wanted to make the announcement as widely as possible. I have also had quite a lot of abusive/arsey PMs as well so I am going to quit this forum and those who clamour after videos without contributing anything can go F*** themselves......(this in no way includes "certain" members, and they know who they are - many thanks to the generous and supportive guys out there for allowing me to do what I did for a couple of months - maybe I will re-appear at some point down the road...who knows). See Ya! You should just ignore such PM's from those Idiots. It's not worth to quit your account for that.
Guest Nora Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 On 7/5/2013 at 4:30 PM, acerikrion said: REALLIFECAM, I WILL return, you is not nothing, you is SHIT! Well said Acer! I assume you mean RLC is SHIT, not NL. NL and his "backstage" team of supporters provided a great service for those of us who could not monitor RLC 24/7.
acerikrion Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 On 7/5/2013 at 7:26 PM, Elvis said: Quote REALLIFECAM, I WILL return, you is not nothing, you is SHIT! Well said Acer! I assume you mean RLC is SHIT, not NL. NL and his "backstage" team of supporters provided a great service for those of us who could not monitor RLC 24/7. Yes I was criticizing RLC, consider the NL as a friend, as everyone here in CC!
Troy Tempest Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 NL - I am sure that you realise that the majority of CC members appreciate & value your contributions. I hope that, once you have filed the comments from knobheads into the trash of insignificance, you will return shortly.
Guest walker-one Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Just found out that i'm banned. They for sure have an other coding in the streams than the number you can see. Sorry. No contribution from me anymore :'(
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