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The Lone Ranger


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My father tells (NPI) me that nobody his age can hear the William Tell Overture without thinking of The Lone Ranger (radio show, B&W+Color TV show, movies, etc.)

I paid no attention until I watched some The Lone Ranger episodes online.

Often, at the end, one jerk says to another jerk, “Say, just who WAS that masked man anyway?” or words to that effect. I looked into it.

I should not have been shocked to see that them Interwebs is filled with liberal horseshit (and a misguided opinion-jockey) telling the world that The Lone Ranger was some black guy.


Of course, these are the same folks who tell us that all of the Pharaohs, Adam (as in Adam and Eve), Jesus Christ and all of His apostles, Alexander the Great, and God Herself are also black.  Funny how they never claim that some bad guy of history was black…..

Anyway, you have to wade through a lot of bullshit before you find someone who actually took the time to do some research, not merely quote some phony race-merchant. 

See some historical analysis here:


Now, that doesn’t cast any aspersions on the black lawman, Bass Reeves.  He was a tough S.O.B. and did a good job for a very long time.  Everyone should honor him for his service.

However, I’m waiting for the Al Sharptons of the world to declare that Clark Kent (aka “Superman") was actually a black community organizer from the planet Krypton.  Woop! Woop!”

And when it comes to "who inspired what," one is on thin ice to begin with since "inspiration" is a very subjective thing. 

So….  what do you see in your mind's eye when you hear "The Lone Ranger Rides Again!"








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Your Dad and I are about the same age I think. The bottom two pictures come to mind. I actually never considered the story of the Lone Ranger to be anything more than fiction same as The Roy Rodgers Show.

Well okay.  Except that Roy and Dale were real people who lived the way they did and who each ended up with Interstate 15 exits named after them -- just ten exits apart from each other.  As they were together in life, so they are now together in traffic.  What?

Roy and Dale are more like Ozzie and Harriet Nelson or Lucy and Desi, where The Lone Ranger is more like Have Gun Will Travel.  See?  I did my research!



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Technically, ALL of us have ancestors that came from Africa.

And, technically, there is no such thing as a Native American human. They are descended from Asians, with a odd possibility that ancient Europeans also visited (The Europeans evidently split the scene when they found out that there was no one in North America who could mix a decent martini.)

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Technically, ALL of us have ancestors that came from Africa.

And, technically, there is no such thing as a Native American human. They are descended from Asians, with a odd possibility that ancient Europeans also visited (The Europeans evidently split the scene when they found out that there was no one in North America who could mix a decent martini.)

Oh, Jeeez.  Using those criteria, there's no such thing as a native american anything.  Sure, some coconuts may have washed ashore but everything else came either across via The Deadliest Catch or on the Kon Tiki with that dude with the unspellable name.

Actually, Your Foaminess, there are two (2) groups of folks who have now merged.  One group came out of Africa blah blah but the other group appears to have evolved in situ as they say in the cancer business.

What would make a dude and his dudette living in Siberia and not owning the warmest wardrobe decide to Go North! To Alaska instead of drifting down to the Med for drinks and festivities? 

And the Europeans spent ALL their time getting LOST, according to the politically correct commie revisionistic bullshit.  But WAIT!  Stay tuned:

Christopher Columbus was BLACK!  Just like The Lone Ranger, Christ, and Alexander the Hunk.

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Yeah, I know,.. I heard all of that nonsense before about the pyramids being built by Blacks.  But that doesn't make any sense.  I mean I looked at all the graffiti there in Detroit and LA, and in other infested parts of this country, and I didn't see one cartouche there anywhere.  Not one!  Just the usual mindless dribble often attributed to these crack addicted sub-humans.

And why doesn't the Rosetta Stone have something written in Ebonics, along with the Greek and Latin?

Rosetta Stone:  "Yo,.. Waz up dog?    My homey has a chariot wit deez big wheels dat is off da chain".

I mean it's just ridiculous!  Just because the Sphinx has thick lips, and some of the gods they worshiped there look like crows, doesn't mean that the Egyptians were black. 

Also, How come the people living there now in Egypt are not Blacks, but are Egyptians instead.

Can someone in one of those Black history study courses explain that one to me?

For some reason I just can't hardly sleep at night not knowing this somehow.

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And yes, at the end of the Lone Ranger show,.. It always ended upon that mysterious note of..

Sheriff:    "Who was that masked man?"

Heroine:  "I don't know, but he not only saved our town, he also inseminated me."

Lone Ranger:  "Hi-O' Silver,.. Away,.. Quick!" 

And by the way, had he been black, it would have probably have been a ski mask that he wore instead. 

Just my observation.

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