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Carla & Mario Pictures - Split #1 Part#1

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A single jpg can contain the information for hundreds of pages of top secret code and no one would know it except the intended receiver. That's why the most powerful computers on Earth belong to the NSA, FSB, and PRC.

I certainly hope the ol' boys at Bletchley Park are still in the game. They were always so much fun...

Right now I'll bet they're drooling over jpgs of Carla's hot girlfriend, trying to discern and thence expose her deepest secrets.  :P

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Mario is simply a useless sack of shit.

I don't know whether they are Italian or Spanish but he seems to be a typical male from either of those countries.

He is a control freak, has extremely high views of himself, is as lazy as a 20 year old dog and doesn't know how to satisfy a woman.

All in all, he simply wants to eat, sleep and fuck when it suits him with no regard for her feelings. He is an oxygen thief. Get rid of him, let Carla have some fun.

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2000 mexican pesos ($ 123) for just a blowjob? Holy cow!

In Europe you get a blowjob for just € 10-15 and a whole fucking session for around € 25.

No wonder that the mexican economy is such a mess ;D

How about Greece? I know it's still in Europe...for now  ;D

But I have a feeling foreign currency can command a lot of "respect" in Greece now days.

Foreign currency meaning?Dollar? We still and will be using euro only so not much foreign currency can do.

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