angel06 Posted July 19, 2015 Posted July 19, 2015 me parece un apartamento de muy mal gusto. debería cerrarlo
upndown Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 It would be nice if Taya had a father or a few brothers pay this ballbag a visit. I would watch that happily!!
doiuyoiuy Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 I ve just seen the gif where the guys pushes the girl, nothing very violent, of course she seemed afraid and it's far from a good man behaviour, don't get me wrong i can't bare with violence against woman, but it seems it's just a feud, nothing that can't be arrange by a hug some times laters. Or did i miss something? ???
Timewarp Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 That was only part of it. Even that is unacceptable.
sereno Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 "I ve just seen the gif where the guys pushes the girl, nothing very violent, of course she seemed afraid and it's far from a good man behaviour, don't get me wrong i can't bare with violence against woman, but it seems it's just a feud, nothing that can't be arrange by a hug some times laters. Or did i miss something?" doiuyoiuy: What if the one being hit was your younger sister- would you still think the same way? Let her fix things with a hug? That makes you the same as Tarik. 'Nuff said.
juanmanuel Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 ya esta denunciado a las autoridades con imágenes para que no lo niegue ,al igual que RLC por incubridores is already reported to the authorities with images not deny, as RLC for allowing transmission and cutting
doiuyoiuy Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 "I ve just seen the gif where the guys pushes the girl, nothing very violent, of course she seemed afraid and it's far from a good man behaviour, don't get me wrong i can't bare with violence against woman, but it seems it's just a feud, nothing that can't be arrange by a hug some times laters. Or did i miss something?" doiuyoiuy: What if the one being hit was your younger sister- would you still think the same way? Let her fix things with a hug? That makes you the same as Tarik. 'Nuff said. Don't fool yourself with quick judgment, i 'm in no way promoting woman abuse by any means, I love my wife, daughter, mother and would not lay my hand on her but for sweet caresses, and i will knock out the one who try to hurt them anytime. That being said, i know l, cause i 've seen it, some strange relationships with provocations from both side (man & woman) finishing in battles. As I said in my previous post I did only see the sofa gif, and thoyght you were all overeacting, now i 've seen a bit much and for sure the guy deserve a good lesson or some treatment. But who knows, we've all seen that before, in RLC, a woman being abuse forgives the asshole and they ended up cudling and kissing. That's not what I would advise, that what happen sometimes. sadly. Now bring me tarik and i can show you how man's abuse can be rough, and you'll see we are not created from the same wood .
sonic1709 Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 Gewalt gegen Frauen ist in keiner Form zu akzeptieren. Jedes Paar streitet sich mal aber wer sich nicht unter Kontrolle hat gehört eingesperrt. Ich verlange das diese Wohnung SOFORT geschlossen wird und ich wünsche dem Mädchen das es stark genug ist sich von dem Mann zu trennen.
davesmith707 Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 I ve just seen the gif where the guys pushes the girl, nothing very violent, of course she seemed afraid and it's far from a good man behaviour, don't get me wrong i can't bare with violence against woman, but it seems it's just a feud, nothing that can't be arrange by a hug some times laters. Or did i miss something? ??? Yes you missed a lot! That Gif show nothing of what happened. He had his hands around her throat in the bathroom. Was hitting her in the bedroom. Throwing her on the bed and putting his arms around her throat again. Pulling her around by her hair.
tonpied Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 I ve just seen the gif where the guys pushes the girl, nothing very violent, of course she seemed afraid and it's far from a good man behaviour, don't get me wrong i can't bare with violence against woman, but it seems it's just a feud, nothing that can't be arrange by a hug some times laters. Or did i miss something? ??? Yes you missed a lot! That Gif show nothing of what happened. He had his hands around her throat in the bathroom. Was hitting her in the bedroom. Throwing her on the bed and putting his arms around her throat again. Pulling her around by her hair. Et quoi ? En quoi est-ce grave ? Il n'avait pas enlevé ses chaussures pour monter sur le canapé : scandale !!!
CC Powerdriver Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 Agree with your points when this apartment was closed down for 3 days it should of stayed closed down with the brutal attacks of yarik it is not good business please get rid now
reallifecam Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 cerrar esta casa ya!!!!... menudos impresentables...
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