CC Powerdriver Posted July 23, 2015 Posted July 23, 2015 can someone tell me why nora will not leave and dont use the excuses saying she is one of the longest residents on rlc and had an apartment with kiko before thats just an excuse she has been at the girls app since november 2014 every one else leaves the girls app just nora that stays all the time someone tell me why she has not left yet i can not work it out
Niconic Posted July 23, 2015 Posted July 23, 2015 On 7/23/2015 at 9:24 PM, powerdriver said: can someone tell me why nora will not leave and dont use the excuses saying she is one of the longest residents on rlc and had an apartment with kiko before thats just an excuse she has been at the girls app since november 2014 every one else leaves the girls app just nora that stays all the time someone tell me why she has not left yet i can not work it out Just because a lot of us like her and are happy that she stays. ;)
bookmaster8 Posted July 23, 2015 Posted July 23, 2015 On 7/23/2015 at 9:24 PM, powerdriver said: can someone tell me why nora will not leave and dont use the excuses saying she is one of the longest residents on rlc and had an apartment with kiko before thats just an excuse she has been at the girls app since november 2014 every one else leaves the girls app just nora that stays all the time someone tell me why she has not left yet i can not work it out I could be wrong, but it is my strong belief that she is (at the very least) an RLC employee who is paid to "manage" the Barcelona apartment right now. She will not be leaving unless they get someone to replace her and she moves to her own place. I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
corboblanc Posted July 23, 2015 Posted July 23, 2015 On 7/23/2015 at 11:27 PM, bookmaster8 said: Quote can someone tell me why nora will not leave and dont use the excuses saying she is one of the longest residents on rlc and had an apartment with kiko before thats just an excuse she has been at the girls app since november 2014 every one else leaves the girls app just nora that stays all the time someone tell me why she has not left yet i can not work it out I could be wrong, but it is my strong belief that she is (at the very least) an RLC employee who is paid to "manage" the Barcelona apartment right now. She will not be leaving unless they get someone to replace her and she moves to her own place. I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. qu'elle soit la gérante de l'appartement ne fait aucun doute!!! et alors?? ou est le mal?? quand tout va bien, elle ne dit rien, quand il y a un problème, elle agit!!!! certains ici accusent nora de tous les problèmes, alors qu'elle est plutôt cool avec tous le monde!!!! quand des filles s'opposent aux règles, elle les recadre et c'est normale, même si elle s'attaque à votre fille favorite!!! je sais que c'est dur à accepter, mais toutes démocraties fonctionnent de la même manière!!! sans nora, cet appartement n'existe plus!!!! alors svp, comprenez ou est votre intérêt, et arrêter cette pression incessante et infondée sur nora!!!!! it is the manager of the apartment is no doubt !!! and so?? or is evil ?? when all goes well, she said nothing, when there is a problem, it is !!!! some blame here nora all the problems, so it is pretty cool with all the world !!!! when girls are against the rules, she reframes them and that is normal, even if it attacks your favorite girl !!! I know it's hard to accept, but all democracies work the same way !!! without nora, this apartment no longer exists !!!! so please, understand or is your interest, and stop this incessant and baseless pressure on nora !!!!!
EMMETT111 Posted July 25, 2015 Posted July 25, 2015 On 7/23/2015 at 11:27 PM, bookmaster8 said: Quote can someone tell me why nora will not leave and dont use the excuses saying she is one of the longest residents on rlc and had an apartment with kiko before thats just an excuse she has been at the girls app since november 2014 every one else leaves the girls app just nora that stays all the time someone tell me why she has not left yet i can not work it out I could be wrong, but it is my strong belief that she is (at the very least) an RLC employee who is paid to "manage" the Barcelona apartment right now. She will not be leaving unless they get someone to replace her and she moves to her own place. I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. oh snaky your other name might be kiko huh
corboblanc Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 oui connard, tu as beaucoup de convictions, c'est bien!!!!! :D :D :D :D
bookmaster8 Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 On 7/26/2015 at 1:04 AM, corboblanc said: oui connard, tu as beaucoup de convictions, c'est bien!!!!! :D :D :D :D corboblanc, please read the post I put into the other thread where you accused me of attacking Nora. I am not attacking Nora. In fact, I like Nora. Please don't think that I agree with all the posters who are constantly attacking and condemning Nora. I'm NOT one of them. I've even defended her in some of those posts. If you go back and see some of those posts that attack Nora, you will see that I do NOT click the "Like" button on any of them because I think they are being very unfair to Nora and some of the other girls. Please read my other post and let me know if you still feel the same way. Thank you.
corboblanc Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 On 7/26/2015 at 1:16 AM, bookmaster8 said: Quote oui connard, tu as beaucoup de convictions, c'est bien!!!!! :D :D :D :D corboblanc, please read the post I put into the other thread where you accused me of attacking Nora. I am not attacking Nora. In fact, I like Nora. Please don't think that I agree with all the posters who are constantly attacking and condemning Nora. I'm NOT one of them. I've even defended her in some of those posts. If you go back and see some of those posts that attack Nora, you will see that I do NOT click the "Like" button on any of them because I think they are being very unfair to Nora and some of the other girls. Please read my other post and let me know if you still feel the same way. Thank you. je vous le répète, ma réponse ne s'adresse pas à vous, mais à celui qui a reprit votre post, EMMETT111!! s'il vous plait, suivez le fil d'actualités!!!! ;) ;)
fredrik29 Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 Nora u are the 3rd Wheel just go put youre ass to sleep and let the Girls have fun u are not their mother u dont have to sit up and Watch them they are adults. Nora the pussyblocker.
ilikesexalot Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 I like Nora. I think she's attractive. She isn't camera shy. She has sex from time to time when her boyfriend visits.
albacore Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 This Apt. and the girls that come exist because of Nora AND Kiko. You can hate it but it appears that it is what it is. People that ask why she stays clearly have not been watching this Apt. and must be new. Enjoy what you see and accept that you cant change it that will be easier than complaining.
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