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RLC almost ruined me


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It was pointed out to me today that I've been showing allot of anger lately.  I would like to apologize for that to everyone.  When I first found RLC I couldn't get enough of it, even though to me there was only a couple of apartments out of the whole lot of them that I really even paid any attention to.  When I got banned by RLC, I was as mad as a cat on a hot tin roof and I was taking it out on everybody in this forum at one point or another.  Now that I have been banned for a while I'm really starting to see just how much I really don't miss going into the rooms of the couple of apartments that I regularly viewed.  The apartment of Nora and her girls really put a bad taste in my mouth in the past couple of months!  I grew quite tired of their silly little games and they way they would tease just enough to keep me hooked.  I grew very bitter towards them and took it out on you all.  The only time I would view Nora's room is when that loser Kiko was not around!!  Their sex was always very very boring to me.  The other girls just became routine in their daily activities.  As I'm writing this I noticed that Kami gathered up her laptop to go upstairs, I presume to eventually masturbate or at least pretend to.  I'm going to work on my attitude for this forum but I will no longer be consumed by RLC ever again!!  I've wasted enough time and money on a site that has unbelievable potential just to watch it degrade itself time and time again!  Any way good luck to all you die hard RLC fans!  I hope they don't continue on the path they are on and can turn it around for you all.

Another thing this individual brought up to me was my fantasy seeking, I guess is how I can put it!  I don't have a fantasy of seeing Kamila & Nora together no more than I do of seeing Kamila & Kristy or Kamila and any of the other girls that have been mentioned on CC.  Would I like to see a picture or two of those girls making love with each other, of course I would just like anybody else on this forum!  I highly doubt that anything will ever transpire between any of the girls in Nora's apartment.  However, if anything does transpire I hope you all feel like you got your money's worth.  It is nothing more than silly teasing games to hang on to the viewership that I feel they are slowly but surely losing.  Anyway, thanks for letting me get this off my chest and I will hopefully get back to normal soon.  Thank You!!

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Very honest and heartfelt post mate. I can see there's a few other people on the boards that are taking the lives of these strangers a little too seriously also like you have. I can understand how things can get to that stage because to some it can feel that watching them every day feels like you're almost sharing the lives of the tenants, but of course we aren't and never will do.

I definitely recommend taking a break from RLC to anyone who feels their emotions are running too high because of the site, your sanity and your bank balance will thank you!

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