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User Names Changing????


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I notified Admin about this but I am noticing again a few times that names associated with posts are changing to other names.  they when I hit refresh they are correct (or what I assume is correct) again.

Mine changed while looking through a thread I was on from "albacore" to "yellow fin"  the back again.  They do both happen to be tuna names but WTF??

I have noticed this with a couple other user names here as well today.

Very wierd ..... and a little disturbing

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Is it possible you were translating a page at the time... possibly using the 'Translate to English' function of Chrome. 

Albacore translated from French to English is yellowfin.


Yes that is possible - and makes perfect sense!  I use the translation quite often and have never noticed it do that before. 

Good diagnosis!

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Chrome has a built in program that if you right click, you get an option to 'Translate to English', or whatever other language that you want. I ASSume it's Google Translate, but it doesn't change the names of anyone.

I'm wondering if it's a Windoze translator or some other that is the cause of that happening.

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