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OK i get it. its 2015 and people like to play with their phone but that is all this chic does. She lays on the couch all day and plays on her phone. Homeboy cooks, cleans, tries to give her attention. He basically worships her, but all she will do is fool with that dam phone ALL DAY. Does anyone else notice this or am I trippin??

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OK i get it. its 2015 and people like to play with their phone but that is all this chic does. She lays on the couch all day and plays on her phone. Homeboy cooks, cleans, tries to give her attention. He basically worships her, but all she will do is fool with that dam phone ALL DAY. Does anyone else notice this or am I trippin??

I believe it's her brother.  Don't ask!

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OK i get it. its 2015 and people like to play with their phone but that is all this chic does. She lays on the couch all day and plays on her phone. Homeboy cooks, cleans, tries to give her attention. He basically worships her, but all she will do is fool with that dam phone ALL DAY. Does anyone else notice this or am I trippin??

téléphone addictif, appartement sans intérêt, rien à voir, rien, rien rien rien rien!!!!! sauf une grosse vache avachie dans son canapé, avec 24h/24 son téléphone, téléphone, téléphone, téléphone, téléphone, téléphone, téléphone!!!!!!!

addictive telephone, apartment without interest, nothing to do, nothing, nothing nothing nothing nothing !!!!! except a big cow slumped on the sofa, with 24/24 his phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone !!!!!!! :curse: :curse: :bang head: :bang head: :headache: :headache: :headache: :screwy: :no:

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