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I must admit...most of the blokes on here dnt treat their partners very well and neglect them alot... massages, showers, friends over for drinks and games...thats what i'd be doing if i had hot partners like this...He has NO DRIVE WAT SO EVER...

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just wanna add my 2cent i have a couple theories about this Vika/Vita chick i think she is sexually attracted to both Kiko and Nora there has been a few times when she is around Nora that she ws rubbing and touching herself and we all is seeing what is bein played out between her and Kiko i know we have rooted for threesomes or an orgy to happen to alot of these couples on RLC but this is the first time i can really see it happen the chemistry between these 3 is amazing Vita/VIka is like a angel sent from sex heaven for these 2 she has really picked their spirits up another theory is maybe Nora realized she was losing Kiko and brought VIka/Vita around to awake Kiko up from his slump and in the process she has accepted that if Vika/Vita and Kiko have sex she will be ok with it and my last theory is sumthing that has been mentioned and this could very well be possible KIko and Vita/Vika has already had sex somewhere else within the last few days because Kiko is full of energy lately a good sign he had some fresh new pootang...overall when i watch these cams i feel like im watching one of them Foreign movies on Netflix almost all of them movies have a scenario where the wife or husband is unhappy and goes and have an affair with somebody else new lol

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Guest noraluver

If there's a translator out there, please tell us what's being said.

If I had to guess it would be Vika calling Kiko a worthless maggot.

Hey i just got it, i don't think there's anything going to happen between those two (K/V).. he was telling her now stories about his dad's cheating on his mother and how he dissapointed him , after that they were talking about cheating, well he's not into it. i dont know about her, but he's def not into it/.

-and, she's not his relative in any way. she met his mother the first time when she's been there lately, and now she told him about her little brother he didnt know about.

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Guest HappyChap

If there's a translator out there, please tell us what's being said.

If I had to guess it would be Vika calling Kiko a worthless maggot.

Hey i just got it, i don't think there's anything going to happen between those two (K/V).. he was telling her now stories about his dad's cheating on his mother and how he dissapointed him , after that they were talking about cheating, well he's not into it. i dont know about her, but he's def not into it/.

-and, she's not his relative in any way. she met his mother the first time when she's been there lately, and now she told him about her little brother he didnt know about.

keep translating Noraluver, you are our key to understanding.........don't suppose you can work out which VK or Facebook page is on the laptop at the moment

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Guest noraluver

If there's a translator out there, please tell us what's being said.

If I had to guess it would be Vika calling Kiko a worthless maggot.

Hey i just got it, i don't think there's anything going to happen between those two (K/V).. he was telling her now stories about his dad's cheating on his mother and how he dissapointed him , after that they were talking about cheating, well he's not into it. i dont know about her, but he's def not into it/.

-and, she's not his relative in any way. she met his mother the first time when she's been there lately, and now she told him about her little brother he didnt know about.

keep translating Noraluver, you are our key to understanding.........don't suppose you can work out which VK or Facebook page is on the laptop at the moment

It's impossible... too far, plus vk doesn't show your own name unless you're on your own page.

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The guest certainly is an affectionate person. I saw her touching Nastya's leg gently while N was on the couch and she on the floor, Saw her leaning on Nastya while both lay on the floor, and just a little while also gently stroking through her (Nastya's) hair while the two of them are on the sofa (Kiko on the floor.) Nastya does not seem to mind but does not respond. All I can say is "interesting..."

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