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Maya & Stepan Videos - Split #1

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Guest jackson23
On ‎2014‎-‎01‎-‎13 at 7:56 AM, friedel said:

booky du kannst genau sehen wo sie was hochläd,aber wer keine ahnung hat soll

das suchen nachlassen.Den link werde ich nie ins netz stellen solange die beiden noch da sind.

denn auf der seite wirst du was zu sehen bekommen womit du nicht gerechnet hat.

Eins kann ich nur verraten,sie steht nicht unter maya da,das ist der künstler name von rlc,sie

hat sich da einen männlichen namen angenommen.Meine pots von voher,wist ihr wovon ich spreche


friedel, can't make out the site, can you tell us what it is?

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I want to know what translation software you are using to translate anything that friedel posts? Nothing works for me and when I see the name I skip the post, because I know I'll never be able to make out what is being said.

Not being mean, just stating a fact.

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Guest jackson23

die ist in vk.com versteckt.Suchen müßt ihr schon alleine.

Well friedel, I will have to admit you are smarter than I am. I have a vk account and have searched for quite a while and can't find them. Guess I didn't need to know, I give up.

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Tbg150,    You mean your not versed in German?  For shame!

Obama ist hobin squishy kunt.

Sadly, no. I was too busy building engines when in school rather than pay attention. I was trying to design a good lumpy cam while English class was going on. Maybe I should have been taking advanced math instead?

Anyway, what you wrote is easy to understand even written in Mandarin.

But I never thought that what friedel was writing may need mor spaces or puctuation. I would put it in a few translators and come up with some strange garbled mess, so I just gave up trying.

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I ended up joining Vk.com too to try to figure this all out no luck.

I did end up befriending a few of the ladies on the Russian version of vk.com and tried carrying on a conversation with one using goggle and Bing translator,lets just say it wasn't pretty. I eventually gave up.

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Guest Squirrel

I was strong-armed into getting a fucking FB account. That's a bad enough waste of bandwidth, but I wouldn't add insult to injury by getting a VK account. Not even for Maya.

Besides, 90% of the posts on VK are probably cute Russian cats, Russian food dishes, and Russian selfies...

I'll stick with CamCaps as my favourite time waster...

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