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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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Guest Chameleon

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Guest Chameleon

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She has perhaps got a rather dysfunctional way of trying to be loved (he will love me if I look beautiful) and therefore Paul (not wanting to be knocked back time and time again) brings his natural defense mechanism into play (i.e. pretend there is nothing unusual going on even though there is a stark naked woman prancing around in front of me).

Whilst he was watching the TV she blatantly applied cream to her legs by sticking her foot up on the TV cabinet. It looks like some kind of learned controlling behaviour to me (even is she is unaware that she is doing it) and Paul reacts in the only way he knows how. In order to avoid rejection, because what he really wants is to touch and play with that beautiful body, he pretends that the TV or the PC or the dog is more interesting and the casual "gropes" he does attempt are never too serious just in case he gets that rejection. Self defense mechanism.

Of course Leora might just be a bitch who knows exactly what she is doing and is carefully acting out her fanstasy of being on cam and naked knowing that many people (including Paul) will never be able to totally act on their urges and desires. Look but don't touch. Very empowering.

Another possibility is that he just loves having a naked female around him because let's face it who wouldn't....... I would certainly like my wife to walk around naked all the time at home.

Who knows unless we can understand Russian.


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Yesterday it was Paul playing with her body, rubbing over her ass and pussy but she walked away...

You'll notice how no one calls Leora a dyke for turning down sex, but Paul is just so gay for not wanting to jump on Leora every waking second.

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Yesterday it was Paul playing with her body, rubbing over her ass and pussy but she walked away...

You'll notice how no one calls Leora a dyke for turning down sex, but Paul is just so gay for not wanting to jump on Leora every waking second.

i wish she were! ::)

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Guest Chameleon

that's what I was trying to do, but my videos wouldn't play back after downloading and I couldn't get them to upload direct to CC as an attachment. How have you done this? Is it an animated gif?

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