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Leora & Paul Videos - Split #1

Guest NL

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I'm sure I could see image / video posts from StnCld and others a day or 2 ago, now there are none?

If they use the add image to post option then this uses the Postimage site to do so and you can see the images if however they use the attachments and other options below the post window and then you cannot see the images.

I do know that some have written on other threads that they have had problems with Postimage.

So that must be why you could see them and now not.

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Leaora , self pleaure video

(The YouTube Video is no longer accessible and has been removed).

This is a partial clip of the first part of her self session last week that ended in the guestroom. This link should not last the day on YouTube.

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Sigo sin entender el porque subir a youtube si saben que no va a durar mucho tiempo y no se puede descargar. Gracias por la aportación saxomatt pero hay mejores formas de compartir un video. Ahhh y estoy de acuerdo con lo del perro, la madre que lo parió.

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