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Leora & Paul Videos - Split #1

Guest NL

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Greetings, everyone. I'm here to contribute an old recording of my own and to hopefully open up the community to some some alternative file sharing that I, personally, haven't seen here yet. I hope it works for everyone.

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Greetings, everyone. I'm here to contribute an old recording of my own and to hopefully open up the community to some some alternative file sharing that I, personally, haven't seen here yet. I hope it works for everyone.

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1GB pretty large file.
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It's my first upload, I don't really know anything about compression. I figured instead of messing with a bunch of setting and making the video look like crap, I'll go for the good quality. Maybe if someone can do a better job with the video and re-upload it, that'd be alright. And maybe more people can give Mega a try as it seems a pretty solid service in my experiences.

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Petite vidéo cet AM (13') où j'ai coupé les temps morts. Elle montre le parfait exemple d'une attente respective totalement incomprise de l'autre. Ces deux là ne fonctionnent différemment et tout accord est impossible. Chacun reste campé sur ses positions et ne fait aucun effort. Paul n'est pas le seul responsable de cette situation. Vous le verrez s'essuyer les yeux après un échange verbal sans doute blessant. La rupture à moyen terme est inéluctable.

PS) Désolé pour la taille de fichier très importante. J'ai oublié de modifier certains paramètres avant d'enregistrer... La prochaine sera moins volumineuse.


Small video today 14-11-20 (13') where I cut downtime. It shows a perfect example of one totally misunderstood respective waiting on the other. These two work differently and any agreement is impossible. Each remains camped on its positions and makes no effort. Paul is not solely responsible for this situation. You'll see wiping the eyes after a presumably hurtfull verbal exchange. The rupture in the medium term is inevitable.

PS) Sorry for the very large file size. I forgot to change some settings before saving...  :-\  The next one will be less bulky.

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I do not know what you was looking at but he was wiping his eyes because they were irritated not because his feelings were hurt.

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I do not know what you was looking at but he was wiping his eyes because they were irritated not because his feelings were hurt.

Il n'était pas entrain d'éplucher des oignons et la discussion qui s'en suivit lorsqu'il était devant l'ordinateur n'avait rien d'agréable. Le ton montait très vite de part et d'autre. Mais tu peux ne pas être d'accord, c'est ma vision et je peux me tromper. Simplement, ces deux là ne m'intéressent pas vraiment et je les regarde plus avec l’œil critique qu'avec l'œil amoureux...


He wasn't peeling onions and the discussion that ensued when he was before the computer was very unpleasant. The tone quickly turned-up between them... But you can disagree. It's only my vision, may be I'm wrong... These couple don't really  interest me and I look at them more with a critical eye than the eye of love...

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Guest Miss Rowena Spade

Nue au salon.

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I was just wondering what the name of the recording software is that you use. Your images are very clear.

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On ‎2014‎-‎11‎-‎21 at 4:15 AM, Miss Rowena Spade said:

Nue au salon.

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I was just wondering what the name of the recording software is that you use. Your images are very clear.

oCam.  :)

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