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Kamila & Kristy ~ General Chat For This Apartment October 01,2016. to November 30,2016.

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Following this apartment is useless,  if you cannot see pics or videos .  More info can be learned by just reading their Social Accounts !  Nothing to see, unless you are a Premium member . and then nothing really happens except the occasional screw or the girls taking a bath and then they usually leave on vacation or go out to pursue their real lives !  Total  waste of time :angry: !

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3 hours ago, slider_69 said:

Following this apartment is useless,  if you cannot see pics or videos .  More info can be learned by just reading their Social Accounts !  Nothing to see, unless you are a Premium member . and then nothing really happens except the occasional screw or the girls taking a bath and then they usually leave on vacation or go out to pursue their real lives !  Total  waste of time :angry: !

Yesterday in the bathroom, Kami was washing her hair, naked, standing outside the tub. Kristy was behind her, caressing the back of Kami, pounding her ass and finally played for 2 seconds with her labra.. Kami didn't complain so much and gave even her twice a tit to play with.

The party last night was a big event, with this young drunk hooligans Kami could control - all of them where nearly as big as Yegor. She is a very strong girl and yesterday the ever dynamic and optimistic Kristy was the weakest.

This appartment is nice because the tenants have a real life away from RLC. We don't know what is going to happen, neither do they.... You can understand they need sometimes a rest away from the cams, they are not on a peep show... as the barcelona girls.

I am here only for them

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4 hours ago, slider_69 said:

Following this apartment is useless,  if you cannot see pics or videos .  More info can be learned by just reading their Social Accounts !  Nothing to see, unless you are a Premium member . and then nothing really happens except the occasional screw or the girls taking a bath and then they usually leave on vacation or go out to pursue their real lives !  Total  waste of time :angry: !

Kitek's translations are the only way to make sense out of this apartment.

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