Foamy T. Squirrel Posted April 11, 2017 Posted April 11, 2017 Here we can place observations regarding Dictatorships, War Lords, and idiotic States, because they are more lethal than Antarctica's politics.
Suckfootsoles Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Putin is this spot, the prick shut down a protester. How can these apt. people say any bad stuff about Russia. I'd be on Anabel's balcony and yell Putin is a murderer over Crimea, whoops this is Russia. The protesting was happening in St. Petersburg, Russia and is look at the RU apts. they all play are video games and look at the one page allowed on their I phones, news is not allowed, no freedom of speech. Apts. do not know there was a protester about Putin in their own city, just freedom countries, pitiful. Pretty soon Hillary will be on this page, Mueller re-open Hllaryemailgate, Obozo fast and the furious that killed a border agent with one of Obozo's gun's flooding Mexico (you fucking Ho), Clinton foundation (money laundering) and Bill Clinton's umph, umph, on his jet wit Loretta Lynch. Oh cannot call this an investigation, it is a matter Loretta told Comey. You liberal democrats have so much baggage and you thought it would go away, no way Hosea and Obozo's $3 bill given to the Iranians, what the fuck. ISIS did do us some payback killing Iranians for their hostage taking, but they owe us more, Trump will find a way to rip up that Iran deal that Iran is laughing at us. Obozo, Lynch, Bill, Hillary, and cannot for Eric Holder for the IRS people that smashed their i phones deleted files in the IRS not to be impeached, you liberal suckers did not call for special, but Mueller is here now to stay to look at the past. AAhh Hah cannot wait. Wow you dems have been bad! 1
golfer06 Posted June 15, 2017 Posted June 15, 2017 somewhere along the way did you not notice that trump is president & is the 1 being investigated? 1
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