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Posts posted by jetlag8

  1. 3 minutes ago, Fagen said:

    I dont mind him hanging out with the girls now and then, but of course when the girls kiss him he thinks he has a chance and that they are interested in him and maybe want more. Can't really blame him for hanging out with the girls, for him to stay alone in his room in b7 must be boring. But I agree he doesnt have to come every night, but to me it seems like the girls been going to him alot also in b7, so they like to hang out with him.

    Looks like he is still trying to grope Anya.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

    This Miron character must be Boggy's cousin that needed a place to crash.  

    I knew after last Friday Miron seeing Kristy do a nude dance on the coffee table followed by Britney using a dildo on  the same table that Miron would be in B4 every day trying to get close to one of the girls. It looks to me he is like a lost puppy looking for attention from someone. I don't know why he is even in the project, he brings nothing of interest and just looks like another freeloader hanging around.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    it simply tells me that what they do is for several reasons.  one reason may be that they don't like getting up early everyday to hold down a proper job like most people in this world.  another reason may be that they are not intelligent enough to do anything else.  another reason may be that this is what my mommy did so why shouldn't i.  there could be a multitude of reasons.  when a person has to resort to taking off their clothes for money, that is never a proper thing to do and it's generally done out of necessity.  it's just that other people and yourself don't see a problem with it cuz you are paying to watch them destroy their life in front of a camera.

    We have seen girls leave the project and return to the project a few years later. I have thought could they not have found a real job or started a relationship with someone in all that time away. I just don't see someone leaving a decent job just to come back to RLC for a few months. It is sad that some of these girls can't do better in life than being a cam girl.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

    If you allow me to ask 2 questions about your comment:

    1) B4 & B7 are the properties of RLC and you can consider them a workplace (similar to a company that has multiple-story building and the employees are moving from floor to floor to go to different departments everyday to perform their job duties), why is it considered a trespassing in case of RLC or this company in my example ?

    2) Regarding sexual assault, I have never heard or read on the news that a woman/girl reported another woman/girl that she assaulted her. All the incidents that I heard or read about is always a man sexually assaulted a woman and I really don't know the reason for that.  I guess most women/girls don't consider it a sexual assault if another woman/girl touched her in a sexual manner. 

    The difference is B7 is a mixed apartment with men and women and B4 is all girls. The guys in B7 know the girls in B4 walk around topless or even nude and they should show respect for the girls and let them know they are coming over and not just walk in whenever they want to.

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