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Posts posted by jetlag8

  1. Reply to Dont Ask.

    I do not think Leora is the tease you might  think she is, I think she is in an awkward situation. Leora appears to still be in a relationship with Paul

    and perhaps doing something sexual with Malia, she might look at it as cheating on Paul. I have noticed Paul is calling more often these days, and he 

    may be aware of how often Leora and Malia are touching each other, and that is a concern to him. I am sure Leora knows that Malia likes touching her

    and has become attracted to her.  Where this becomes complicated for Leora  is this is likely the first time she has had a women interested in her.

     Leora has a long distance boyfriend and she is living with her best friend, and Leora is wanted by both of them, and that may be a difficult

    situation for her to be in.


  2. Reply to esanders9863.

    You are absolutely right, it was a shock. This is the first time I have seen Leora try so hard to exite  Malia. I think the only thing holding

    Leora back from going to the next level is Paul is still in a Relationship with Leora, and it is an awkward situation for her. I personally would like

    to see Leora and Malia start a relationship, I think that would be far more interesting than staying with paul. Its just my opinion but I believe the more 

    Leora and Malia touch each other I think the feelings between them will become stronger and that may lead to even better shows for all of us.

  3. Reply to Snoopy 1

    I will admit she does not look like she is missing him right now. Its  just my opinion the money is more important than cameras, as we all need money

    to live on. If cameras were more important to her I think she would have been on chaturbate a long time ago. I think you will agree she would be in high

    demand on chaturbate, and make a lot of money.

    • Like 1
  4. Reply to Snoopey1

    Your post was well said. I would like to offer a different perspective on Leora and Paul. Most people thought Leora was brought back because RLC

    was loosing money without her, and that may be true. My thoughts are Leora asked to come back because when RLC shut down all the Russian

    cameras as her income was suddenly cut off, and Paul trying to build a business and not making much money right now, maybe they were beginning

    to have financial problems. I think Leora moving to Prague was an opportunity to earn a living while Paul builds up his business, and they will have some

    sort of long distance relationship in the meantime. The fact that Paul was there and sleeping with her would indicate he still means a lot to her.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Reply to jugghead.

    why don't you think Leora would not go back to Russia with paul, Its obvious they are still a couple. Besides, this is the first time in months she has had any real

    human interaction.  Other than rlc what does she really have in Prague, she spends all her time alone, comes home to an empty apartment and can only talk to friends and family

    on skype. I think that could become very boring after several months. We don't know what is going on in their lives, but I can't imagine Paul willing to be without her for long.


    • Like 1
  6. Reply to pudley.

    I don't think Leora is seeing anybody, if she were l think she would be out more often and not bating daily. it will be interesting to see if she spends the

    holidays with Paul, if she doesn't l would think that may be a sign their is something wrong  with their relationship. Besides, getting seriously involved with someone else is

    probably not a good idea as her time in Prague is limited, and that would make things complicated when she has to leave the country.


  7. Reply to Nicholas.

    I also think Leora is the best they have, and it's great they added new cameras. Its my opinion the thought of living in a new country at first sounded very exciting to Leora,

    but after a few months of living alone that excitement has worn off. The only contact she has with friends and family is via skype, and that's a poor substitute for being

    with people. It's likely she will go home for Christmas to spend time with family and friends and at that time I would not be surprised if she did not come back, because 

    their is really nothing to come back too. I hope I am wrong.


  8. Reply to jimbo4

    jimbo4, You commented that Leora only has a father, her mother died when she was young. I would like to know how you found that out. The reason I am asking is about 2 weeks ago

    Leora was on skype talking to an older woman, and a few times during the conversation I clearly heard  Leora say the word "mama".  Although I don't speak russian I do know

    the word mama is commonly used by russian people when speaking to their mother.  It would seem odd to call someone else mama other than your mother.

    • Like 1
  9. I will post another comment about the power failure in Prague. Some people asked me  where the multiple sources about the power outage were. I will comment on that. 

    I just googled- power outage in Prague September 30 2019 weather channel.  The top three news articles that came up on screen talk about it. I doubt anyone believes

    the weather channel would invent a story like that. there is no conspiracy, just an act of nature.

    • Like 1
  10. I can't believe some of the comments posted here about Leora. The power outage was real and  effected thousands of people, at least according to multiple media outlets. There are to many people

    trying to speculate what is going on with her, and the truth is we will never know for sure. I think some people have become way to preoccupied with what is going on in her life. I would say be happy she is 

    back and enjoy what she gives without trying to figure things out. The only thing I would like to know is when will her visitor visa expire, and will she be staying with RLC after that.

    • Like 3
  11. Just thought I would pass this along . This morning while looking at Leora in her new place, I noticed she was having a video chat with Paul. This conversation lasted over a half hour and several times

    I could hear Leora laughing. Based on what I saw I would say Paul is still in her life and they seem to get along very well. I wish I could speak their language so I wold have a better idea what is going

    on with them. I did some research and found out Leora could go to czech republic with a visa, but that is only good for 90 days. If she wanted to stay longer she would need an extended visa, which

    is generally done through her employer, but in her case the employer is reallifecam, that may make it difficult for an extension. Its just my opinion, but I think Leora's time in Prague will be a matter

    of months, and where she goes after that is anybody' guess. I doubt Leora will get involved with anybody new because of her temporary status and it appears she has not completely

    split from Paul. We will see how it all plays out . But for now it's nice to see her again.

  12. It lis nice to see Leora back on RLC. However it looks like she is living in czech republic, that seems very odd to me. She has moved to a different

    city thats 6000km from russia and they speak a different language. I would have thought her and Paul would have arrived together, or he would have arrived 

    first so she would not be alone in a strange city. I will assume Paul will be joining her considering the size of her new apartment. I can't imagine her leaving her home and her city

    and her husband just to be a participant on RLC. whatever is going on I wish her well and hope she is happy in her new city. It will be interesting to see if they bring back some of

    the other russian couples.

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