I'm pretty sure that's Kgb, this looks like a rascal!
Goatie harmless
Have you noticed Nora changed the furniture alone, Kiko did not participate!
What will be the prey of Nora in modifying the tiny room?
I think they are checking for video links on CamCaps.
I do not know Jojo, it seems those couples that sells sex online!
Hmmm....good point. Chaturbate?
Yeah, maybe, but I think that must be it!
Thanks Ace, that was a nice video of them intereacting in the dance room with each other besides the usual sitting and laying down on floor or the bedroom nulleys....
Ocaasionally we see nora finally in the mood, wished she wud put in more effort than to ignore his needs... but maybe they each have their moments out of sync.
she is still a beautiful girl overall.
yeah, but I still wonder, why was Goatie of hard dick in the bathroom!
I remember seeing him with a tidy blonde the first time I saw goaty, she either dumped him or they were visiting same time and was coincidental .
Yes, Goatie left the apartment without the blonde!
Is that where he works?
I don't know, but back in January I saw him hacking into cams on his laptop.
Did you notice that only men appear in this apartment, almost no woman!