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Everything posted by oceane17

  1. j'ai pas encore vu si il était bien musclé du coté des bijoux de famille mais il est bien constituer bel homme ;) oups pardon si je l'ai vue sous la douche il est pas mal bati de se coter la aussi ;D ;D ;D :-*
  2. ;) :-* ravie de vous retrouver tous !!! merci corboblanc tu fais du bon boulot je te l'es deja dit lors de messages privés pour aider a comprendre les participants RCL Alma_big ass me manque aussi bcp j'espère qu'il reviendra bientôt aussi pour commenter l'actu des logements espagnols Antares ,cho2vant, msieurdam, snoop 99, mon écureuil préféré, nos amis espagnols , et d'autres bien sur que je n'est pas citer je vous adore tous !!! merci gros bisous a vous et l'on va pouvoir encore s'amuser ;) :-*Océane
  3. J'ai raté ça ??? quel guigne !!! ben t'as raté une bonne levrette comme je les aime !!!! ;)
  4. on s en branle un peu de leur performance ! on a connu pire ;D ;D ils sont la que depuis hier ! laissez le temps se faire non ? >:(
  5. ben voila manquai plus que mon écureuil préféré !!! ;) ;) ;) je vous aime tous vous m'avez aussi manquer pendant ses quelques mois ! je vous fais d'énormes bisous a ceux qui m'aiment :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* ;) ;) ;) ;) et ceux qui ne m' apprécierons pas tant pis !!! je suis de retour !!!!
  6. merci les garçons vous êtes trop top !!! :-* :-* :-* snoop tu es un super gentil !!! merci de me faire profiter de se moment sur le forum rien que pour moi ;) ;) ;) bisous Océane :-* :-* :-* :-*
  7. estocade finale sans la couverture mais a la fin vite couvert ;) petit a petit ils vont s'habituer au camera ;)
  8. eh oui hier soir ils etaient découvert se soir c'est soirée couverture ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. son trop choux les garçons faut pas leur en vouloir un sujet rien que pour moi la je kiffe ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
  10. yyyesss Oceane est revenu ....tu nous as manqué , beh alors et en plus t'es en avance sur moi , juste vu veronica hier soir dans son lit , lui j'connais pas encore , j'suis pas bi mais te fait confiance (!) si il te plait ... yé snoop contente de te revoir aussi en effet se petit couple est prometteur je les ai vue hier soir miam miam !!!! ;) en plus un beau mec se qui ne gache rien ;D donc contente lol ;D ;D bisous snoop !!!
  11. Yep, there are already 4 pages dedicated to this very subject. Check it out. http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/new-couple-lucas-and-veronica/ merci Ozi sais tu pourquoi il ne sont pas encore avec les autres ? dans la rubrique reallifecam merci ;)
  12. bonjour depuis hier et on offert un petit spectacle jolie levrette bel homme et jolie jeune femme trop mignon ! bises Oceane ps dommage qu'il ne figure pas encore dans le forum de discution ;) :-*
  13. coucou mon ecureuil préféré !!! ;)
  14. une bonne levrette quand meme avec se beau petit cul qui tournai ça lui a fais du bien a veronica
  15. salut les petits loups eh oui de retour je m'ennuyais un peu de nos petits couples espagnoles les petits nouveaux trop mimi en plus le mec est super beau donc tout pour revenir commenter vu se que j'ai vue se soir c'est un bon début un peu timide la petite mais bon ça va ils sont réellement beaux bisous les petits loups Océane ;) :-*
  16. Dans ton dossier "Marta & David", se trouve une vdo de Diana et Efim et non Marta & David"... :/ (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). salut ils sortent d'ou ceux la je les ai pas sur RLC bises
  17. coucou les petits loups eh oui je l'avais dis que ça se terminerai pour se couple ! ça part en couille !!! ;D ;D ;D bisous les petits loups ;) :-*
  18. tu m'a devancé ;D c'est bien une bite non ? ;) :-* océane
  19. ils se sont kan meme tripoter hier dans la soirée
  20. salut tu peux m"expliquer j'ai rien compris de se qu'il se passe !!! ;) :-*
  21. Are you saying that people that masturbate are crazy? Or are you saying that him not having sex with Sofia is crazy? I have a news flash for you, people masturbate. As for wondering why he isn't fucking Sofia, it could be because she constantly turns him down, or it could simply be because she's not there right now. This is assuming that she reads what goes on here. Just because other couples have seen this site in the past doesn't mean that they all have, or even read what goes on here even if they do find it. Also, it's "site", not "cite." İf you are in a relationship do you masturbate when you want. may be sofia wasn't at home but she will come. when sofia comes at night she will be in mood for sex, if roman will not want sex than sofia goes for masturbate. is this a relation? it is not normal.. Why do people always assume masturbation is a replacement for sex? Could it just be that people, I don't know, like to masturbate? It's a totally different thing. Compare it to a good restaurant dinner and a fastfood burger. Just because you get to eat fancy every night doesn't mean that sometimes you just want something fast, easy and different. It's the number one mistake woman always make "You masturbate so I'm not good enough for you!" No, you could give me all teh sex in the world and I would still sometimes liek to have some "alone-time" les garçons ??? vous savez comme moi que le plaisir solitaire n'est pas le même que lorsque l'on fait l'amour avec une femme ou même a plusieurs c'est une simple récréation un besoin un désir soudain ! des hommes et de femmes ont beaucoup de besoin d'autres non! la masturbation est un paliatif enfin je sais pas si on peut le dire comme ça tant que ça fais du bien ça peut pas faire de mal ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D bisous les garçons ;) :-*
  22. Coucou toi, ravi de ton retour ici. ;) Certaines femmes jouissent clitoridiennement et deviennent vaginales dans le tard car elles n'ont pas ou leurs partenaires n'a pas encore découvert le point G de leurs amies, d'où le besoin d'agacer le clitoris pendant l'acte. ;) j'ai pas vu il s'est passé quoi ?
  23. arfff mon pauvre chou des vidéos ici faut vite les prendre ;D parce que se sont comme les photos des choses rarissimes ;)
  24. Nij does NOT work for RLC (at least as far as I know... but wait...listen...(crickets)...hmmm, what if he does?) But, seriously...so what, he bitches about shit you guys like...I know...I used to hate him too...but, he does make sense about most (if not all) of his bitching...and in the end it just comes down to your opinion vs. his. I'm not really here to defend him, but Nij has been around this board for some time. For him to be a spy or anything else other than someone who calls you out on your bitching is sad...very sad. Surely, you can find a better way of discrediting him besides accusing him of being a spy because he has discredited your "assumptions" about almost everything many of you suggest without any fucking proof. Show me one post where Nij doesn't have a valid argument about many of your assumptions...now, I will not argue or defend him on his opinions of RLC vs. your opinions of RLC. But, if you are calling him out as a spy, then provide "real" proof. Show me an email, or show me something that is very consistent of changes on this board because of Nij's comments to any members that leads us all to believe he is a spy. Otherwise, give him the apology he deserves (for being accused without any proof), and he and you and other can continue to give your opinions...as you all please...and without anyone you being "accused" as a spy. We are all here for different reasons, but we all have the same interest in common and that is RLC. Of course, I could go a step farther and say we all came here for sex in the beginning (that is what drew us to RLC and this board)...and that shit is probably 100% true. After watching for so long, we start to have other reasons for staying and for any continuing interests. On the other hand, we will not all agree on everything about these couples, and we will have different opinions...but within the same interest = RLC. Now, why does it have to be an argument if I think it's disgusting when someone pisses in a sink and others don't think it's that bad? My opinion vs. theirs. So, Nij doesn't agree with many things that some of you have been an advocate for...and that makes him a spy? He thinks it's disgusting that Adriana's friend came out of the bathroom without washing her hands...and I almost agree with that (different discussion for a different time). But, I don't like people pissing in my sink, and some of you according to another post do...am I a spy too? Maybe the people who disagreed with me are spies? Dirty, fucking, filthy spies? Again, no proof. That's all just a difference in "tastes". Just because I like Peanut Butter and Jelly and you like Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise doesn't mean we both do not like sandwiches. We just like different sandwiches. Let me make this easier...Maya is the hottest chick on RLC! Now, anyone who thinks different is a blind dumbass who doesn't know how to properly judge a good girl from a bad girl. In other words, you should think that Maya is the best girl on RLC too. If you don't then you are a fucking loser. Right? Now, does that make it fact? No, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Does it make me a spy? No proof either way, right? Does it make me not like you because you still miss Alma? Why should it matter? I like who I like, you like who you like, and Nij likes who he likes and all of us like certain aspects of what we see and don't see and expect from RLC. That's it, It doesn't get any harder than that. Different tastes = simple. The hard part is accepting that we all have different tastes and somehow we expect everyone's tastes should be the same as ours...sounds like dictatorship attitude to me. But, please, don't accuse anyone of being a spy without any proof. But, if you have proof, then I will join you in lynching that person. In the end, we all have our opinions and that is what is cool for us as individuals. What's better than that is that we all have an outlet to discuss with others who have a common interest (in RLC) and this board to discuss and debate the many things that happen with RLC. And, this is good to have that extra freedom of speech that any of our governments doesn't control. But, if you're one of those trolls that have nothing to do other than bitch, complain, and sabotage, then (and I think I can speak for all who actually give a shit), FUCK YOU - GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. You have nothing to offer to this community. As you can see, we have our own problems without you. To the rest of you, who have an interest in RLC because you are a voyeur like me and like to watch live sex, but may enjoy and imagine with the use of audio when the image isn't available, and will take watching a recorded video because you pay a monthly membership and missed out, but will take the video to compensate and you get frustrated when you don't see the sex and miss it or you like all the girls or some of the girls or a couple of the girls and dislike the rest, but you still come here to discuss it and give your opinion about it, then keep doing what you do...especially if you are a paying member of RLC. Because that membership is not cheap. But, then there are some of you who are not paying members, but have your reasons for not paying (different reasons or the same from each other - doesn't really matter, except when you guys try to convince us paying members that we are wrong for paying), but are basically here for the same reasons, then keep doing what you do. You have higher expectation of RLC, and that's a good thing. When you post your opinions on that, surly it gives others thoughts as to why they are paying so much for the services they are receiving from RLC. But, in the end, RLC is what connects all of us...and this board has been the venue...for a many years (way before I became a member or even discovered it). Overall, there are people here for the right reasons and there are people here for the wrong reasons, and there are people who are still trying to figure out why they are here...and RLC is here too, monitoring this board. I think we can all agree with that. Someone suggested to me on another post to read all the other posts before posting. Makes sense, but if I don't have the time and want to express my opinion (like many others) then I sometimes just post. In a perfect CC World, if I didn't have to take so much time to read meaningless posts, flames, and have to translate (no offense to non-English posters - if I had the time to translate all posts and read them all I would), then a quick scroll and read through after I get off work might make some sense. And, I have disagreed with some of your posts without reading all of the others. I am very guilty of that...but I have never accused or criticized or directly insulted anyone for their personal opinions. And, believe me when I say this, "I really would like to." But, to what end? I may not like or agree with you and your stupid opinion, but you and I have a shared interest in RLC...and therefore I can appreciate that and even respect some of you for giving some daring opinions (not the same as assumptions - fuck assumptions - as far as I am concerned, assumptions lead to stupidity - you ever want to discuss hypotheticals, fine, let us all know and we can discuss the "what if's..."). In conclusion, none of us should be accusing anyone of anything without any proof. All CC members already have an antagonist in RLC, which (ironically) we all have a likeness or love for... I've read many posts on this board and I think most of you guys and even gals are pretty smart (in general)...so, I hope you all will continue to be smart...be passionate...be curious...and stop with the insults, accusations, and shit that has no place here on topic. Anyway, that's just my "opinion". :-\ oufff trop long peut être non ? en plus les traductions sont pas top !!! ??? messieurs cc please des traductions en tout cas françaises moins fantaisistes svp se serait possible ? pensez aux petites blondes 8) des fois c'est pas évident pour moi de suivre lol ;D bises ;) :-*
  25. ouh la c'est animé les discutions !!! c'est vrai que parfois ça vol pas plus haut que la ceinture ;D ;D mais je vous confirme que souvent les garçons pensent aussi avec leurs bites enfin moi j'appelle ça des kikis ! aller bonne journées les gaziers !!! pensez pas de trop non plus ça va déborder !!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) :-*
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