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Everything posted by Feyras

  1. She looked great. Some one should let them know that distilled water prevents the iron from getting nasty when using it to steam.
  2. I think it was the poo that splatter on the sheets around 01:22:55 when he pulls out. Camera 8
  3. She definitely has one of the best bodies on RLC. He may be breaking the cardinal sin of having a dildo that's bigger than he is, though.
  4. That's fair. They have had a lot of sex today, too.
  5. He does fine if/when he stays hard. But, just seems to have a little issue with it. Probably right about the cameras.
  6. Why does he always use that dildo toy? Seems like he may have ED, too.
  7. She lasted 30 seconds or so before quitting. She and I may be compatible.
  8. I keep seeing a possible pregnancy issue being brought up every so often. However, I've never seen him finish inside of her. He always seems to pull out like Ashleyxyz mentioned.
  9. Interesting take. It seemed very lacking in passion from Linda's part. She even seemed to be crying when it was over and Tibor got up after he finished on her.
  10. I've seen him get on the bed twice to play with her and Tattoo face shoos him away
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