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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. That takes enough effort and energy doing them, without anything else. 😂
  2. Val masturbating living room.
  3. She's busy loading the dishwasher. 😂
  4. Definitely very little chance of seeing anything sexual on a daily/weekly basis.
  5. True. There's always at least one fuck up in a batch. 🤣
  6. What's he got to do with it. 🤣
  7. Leora working at kitchen table 🤣
  8. Can't even think of something different to do then look at her phone and adjust her hair. 🤣
  9. No chance of that with her. Years ago maybe.
  10. They think (most) can't tell when it's a faked orgasm. Just to get it over with. 🤣
  11. Had great legs spread not long ago. Shame the panties were on.
  12. Savaira in the bath. Incredible floating devices. 🫡
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