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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Relocation already. 🤣
  2. How many apartments has he been in 🤣 Relocation House TV it should be.
  3. Smells of desperation bringing them back. Short of cash as well probably. Jabba The Twat would have been like a pig in shit. His right hand man Bluewanker still with his head up his ass. 🤡🤡
  4. Val masturbate. Not bad actually compared to some.
  5. Getting herself ready to do the washing/ laundry pilled up beside her.
  6. Nope. Not that lucky. Masseur (massage therapist) in the house. Old guy going to get a happy ending. 🤣
  7. While Linda in her corner yawning.
  8. SlePaul sleeping on the couch. Must have been too knackered to make it to a comfortable bed. 🤣
  9. No-one does it better than yourself. 🤣
  10. Was really getting stuck in about her beautiful lips. The sex is never up to much.
  11. How's your day going? Behaving? 🤣💋
  12. Good conversations with wonderful friends. 🤣
  13. SlePaul on computer working. Leora in her position balcony. She not realise the chairs move. 🤣
  14. Part of the "confused" small-ones 🤣🤡
  15. Doubt DraMashPiss was heartbroken though. Apart from his cock, what else would she miss. Hardly life and soul. 🤣
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