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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Looks like it's underneath a shelf. 🤣
  2. SlePaul on computer working. Leora on the couch looking at her phone for new masturbating positions. 🤣 Both got their bins on. 😂🤓🤓
  3. Better team won. Our performance was like SlePaul trying to have sex. 🤣
  4. RLC need to get her signed up. Not the best looking but bet she's dirty 😃
  5. Someone with little more experience. Would have been brown 🍞.
  6. More life in a corpse. She'd probably get more satisfaction 🤣
  7. You and your partner would be a great addition I'm sure (if she wanted to take part). Definitely be watching 🙂
  8. Linda up and getting ready for a productive day.
  9. That waste of space isn't Ashamed of anything, yet he should be. Controlling and limiting what she does maybe. For whatever stupid reason. Has to remember if it wasn't for her where would they be. Only 3 confused. Come on 🤣
  10. Especially when they are normally late putting it on and taking it off.
  11. Better not plan on having any of her own then. A week is fuck all. 🤣
  12. That's what I don't understand. With a country with that amount of people. They two are the best candidates apparently. Joe Biden calling Zelensky Putin. Fucking hell. 🤣
  13. She's trying to be fly and give her loyal fans updates on what she's been up to. Enjoyed by some apparently.
  14. SlePaul on computer working.
  15. I'm sure someone will know or have it. Mr. SM will be all over it. 🤣
  16. Red predator swinging some balls. 🤣
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