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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Called being twisted. Is others but not so polite. One rule for some and another for others.
  2. Thanks for the blowie. 🤣
  3. You'll be fine. Time you will never get back. 😂
  4. "Paul On the computer working". 🤣
  5. If you need support, I'm sure @StnCld316would be happy to help. 🤣
  6. Called giving an opinion. Where does it say it has to be positive? Time for them to go and bring in someone new. They have had their time. Look fed up and boring as fuck. That gentlemanly enough. Not giving a rat's ass. Ok then. 🤣 Also funny considering some of the Bullshit you say about them. Can see why so many miss you at Xcamfan. 😂
  7. Paul on the computer working. 😉
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