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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. The car will definitely be more exciting. That's not hard though.
  2. Keeps him happy. Now back to his game. Her CB friend maybe coming to visit. 😁
  3. She paid for flight. Yes, she asks him. Yet gets fuck all by the sounds of it.
  4. She's supposedly paying for everything. And he wants to go out, yet has zilch to pay for anything.
  5. Like so many others she'll take him back. Hopefully doesn't end up like so many do.
  6. Must be watching something interesting 😁
  7. Husband and wife time on the couch. Both looking at their phones. Now in bed together. Some Sunday lovin.
  8. Probably giving her some time, hopefully him getting his stuff together and fucking off.
  9. Zabava definitely was, not sure about Dickhead.
  10. One of the lazy fuckers must be up early. 🤣
  11. She's just as bad. Clearly doesn't trust him, yet stays with the waste of space.
  12. Noticed the bra was off. 😁 Didn't think she would ever just whip them out comfortably.
  13. Can't trust them. End it. Simple. Life is to short.
  14. Vinera riding like a champion 😄
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