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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. You are right in saying we have to watch what's on offer, when I resubbed there no notice of Holly going on vacation from a vacation for 11 days. I have grown to like a couple of other girls in the mean time. πŸ™‚ I don't pay a sub to watch a girl video/face time another girl. I pay to see them on camera. πŸ˜‰
  2. I'm getting more attracted to the all new girls idea. What we have now is boring, πŸ™‚
  3. Some people may have paid a sub because Holly especially had returned to rlc me included. Then she fucks off to who knows where for 11 days and she maybe delayed even further. I love the girl but she's coming across as con artist. πŸ˜’
  4. The Maldives is small place if one arrives infected they all have it. πŸ™‚
  5. If the girls had taken their sexy arses to the lr and shaked them around that would have done for me. But because there are guys in the house they don't do it. I'm not a man hater but they damn well get in the way. 😐
  6. Well I have say B4 is not interesting enough for me, they're all good looking girls but I'm not clicking, taking any interest in any of them. Been there seen it before sort of thing. Sad for me to say. πŸ˜ͺ
  7. Nana had some nasty dirty old cock tonight. A good oral clean and a good fanny wash suggest so. πŸ™‚
  8. I need my eyes testing, it's Radi and Mila. Sorry guys. Still I wouldn't mind being stuck between those two. πŸ™‚
  9. Oh to be stuck between Radi and Loraine on that bed, I wouldn't mind. πŸ™‚
  10. Merry Christmas everyone. For me RLC is not as much fun without CC. πŸ™‚
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