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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. Fiora just can't leave it alone can she, carry on and it'll drop off misses. πŸ™‚
  2. We could be in for a good Christmas, loads of crackers. πŸ™‚ I'd like to pull one for sure. πŸ™‚
  3. If Timur gets morning wood it might be straight up Holly's arse. πŸ™‚
  4. I think Holly and Timur may be related. They were playing about earlier today like brother and sister, maybe not that close related but cousins? maybe? They know each other pretty well from what I've seen.
  5. Watch the film the day after tomorrow, a good film about exactly that. πŸ™‚
  6. Wow, this is unexpected. I go out for a game of darts and a few jars and I see Tweety with Radi, big thumbs up from me. πŸ‘ They look pretty close. πŸ™‚
  7. Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill. One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital. Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after Mick. The nurse says, 'Oh he's out in Rehab exercising'. Paddy couldn't believe it, but here's Mick out the back exercising his now re-attached arm. The very next day he's back at work in the saw mill. A couple of days go by, and then Mick slips and severs his leg on another bloody big saw thingamabob. So Paddy puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick off to hospital. Next day he calls in to see him and asks the nurse how he is. The nurse replies, 'He's out in the Rehab again exercising'. And sure enough, here's Mick out there doing some serious work on the treadmill. And very soon Mick comes back to work. But, as usual, within a couple of days he has another accident and severs his head. Wearily Paddy puts the head in a plastic bag and transports it and Mick to hospital. Next day he goes in and asks the nurse how Mick is. The nurse breaks down and cries and says, 'He's dead.' Paddy is shocked, but not surprised. 'I suppose the saw finally did him in.' 'No', says the nurse, 'Some dopey bastard put his head in a plastic bag and he suffocated
  8. Radi bouncing on the trampoline again, that trampoline is a lucky bugger. 😁
  9. I haven't watched them so can't comment. And that's my point, I don't go slagging off what I haven't watched. πŸ˜‰
  10. Still you comment on something you say you don't watch, as you say I like to watch girls 'doing shows' fake or real. I'll ask you one question, what porn video have you seen where it's actually real and not acted out? The only time you'll get rl sex is if you watch a neighbouring couple through their window. Stop BSing the girls because it's not what you want to see, no sorry, what you expect to see. Grow up.
  11. I've gained a fond liking of Olivia's arse these last couple of days. πŸ™‚
  12. My Christmas starts on the 23rd and I just get fucking drunk so come the 24th 25th I don't fucking know what day it is any way. πŸ™‚
  13. Tweety making some money today. At least I hope she charges for her services. πŸ™‚
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