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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. Leora could use a vacation...in B4. πŸ™‚ I take it you've been watching Leora for 7-8 years now, I don't blame you she's very nice to watch but you are having a go at the trainee who does her thing better than her mistress. Slanging of Radi because she does it better than Leora, and you know she does, is a bit crap on your part. πŸ™‚
  2. You are right there pal, I'd give her a good pounding too if I had the chance. πŸ™‚
  3. You no longer have a crush on Leora? She's a nice girl to have a crush on. πŸ™‚ It does'nt hurt to look elsewhere. πŸ˜‰
  4. I agree with you as far as the couples apartments argument, but rlc as not replaced them. And even back then I found the GOV apartments more interesting, I must be a fucking lesbain cause I'll say it again I'd rather watch naked girls. And like I said when Nelly and Bogdan were put in B4 I said it would ruin the place, there are post on here replying to me saying wait till the summer, look what happened. πŸ™‚
  5. The last web report said rlc lost 41% of it's viewership. The villa should be the 'come in and see' place for rlc the clickbait if you like, but look at the villa now. Subscriptions are being lost. The villa should be the look what we have apartment, but it's a let down big time. πŸ™‚
  6. Did I mention B2 or B1? What gets subscriptions more than the naked female body, to a voyuer site. A lot more men subscribe to these sites than women. You are the only person who wants to see your version of rlc. You've been told this for years yet it does'nt sink into your head. πŸ™‚
  7. I said from the start when Nelly and Bogdan were put in B4 September 2020 they would ruin the place. I only started watching rlc just under 4 years ago and my point for subscription was B4, the dolls house girls only with fellas invited. At the time it was girls being naked and bating, dildoing, 'doing shows for the camera' and having their fellas in from time to time that made me subscribe. In that time we had some gorgeous girls appear in B4, we've had times of dramas too. Nelly and Bogdan have dragged the place down...why? I don't know, coinicidence. If Nelly and Bogdan want a rlc employment forever give them their own apartment. Bring back the villa B4 make it GOV again. πŸ™‚
  8. Shit, there I was thinking I was getting Serafima in B1 all to myself. You're a bunch of teasing twats, Serafima only has one twat to tease me with. 😏
  9. I think Vivian's old room is the best room in the villa, good lighting and good cam angles. Mind you I would say that as most of the girls I've liked have stayed in that room. πŸ™‚
  10. Are we having a free pass day? Nearly all cams in all apartments are free. πŸ™‚
  11. If she comes and lives in the UK she's fucked, we don't have enough truck drivers. 😏
  12. I'm gonna put a little optimum into B4, the villa work well with show girls, old or new. If rlc really are reading these forums get the party girls in. One good crew, cast, fanny parade and the villa, rlc is saved. There are several girls mentioned before we know to be in Barcelona. But please shift Nelly and Bogdan out before you refill. πŸ™‚
  13. I just had a thought, a question, it's probably been asked before but I'll put it out there. Why don't rlc have any apartments in the country many of these girls come from...the Ukraine?
  14. Oh boy do I miss the days of reading all the crap written on here then logging in for Serafima to give me a good tease at this time of night. Serafima I miss you girl. πŸ’”
  15. And just to add, I've done weed plenty of times but what turned me away from it was smoking weed and doing blow backs with 2 girls and I don't to this day remember what happened that night, I could have had the best sex of my life that night and don't remember a thing. So what's the point?
  16. I knew a friend of my brother's, we'd know him for years from pre school (kindergarten) him and my brother grew up together but my brother's friend got into weed first and then into hard booze. I was talking to him one night in the pub he was both high and pissed, walking out the pub he walked out in the middle of the road and was hit by a car, he rolled over the car and landed on his feet walked off like nothing has happened, next morning he was found dead in his bed by his mother. Coroner said he died from multi interal injuries. Just putting a true story out there. πŸ™‚
  17. Makes you wonder about B4, there's been an empty room all summer and one empty room in B1 for a couple of weeks now and there's a sizable Ukrainian population in Spain and not be able to recruit new or returnees. We are around about the time of year when Holly started her two previous stays, maybe Holly and Ariana might return after Vivian and Stella leave. Crossing my fingers for Kim. 😁
  18. There have be times when the girls in B1, B2 and B4 have done nothing entertaining for a fair few days before, I've seen comments on here saying this and that girl have laid on their beds naked all day and done nought. I've seen plenty of days where many of beds have been vacant the whole day long, apartments vacant all day long, it's a real life cam site not a porn show. Some of you need to understand this. πŸ™‚ A comment was made about Kim laying on her bed in her 'usual' pose like that was a bad thing, that as been my favourate views of all time. Some people just like to bitch whether the view is good or not. πŸ™‚
  19. I have an idea for B4 😁 you guys will like this one πŸ™‚ . A pair of trapeze swings in the fitness room, we could have naked trapeze. πŸ™‚
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if she had an instagram account with more provocative pictures of herself on it. 😏
  21. Nana moved into the little on suite means Ginger is coming, Bogdan and Fior are going to be run something ragged. Come on Ginger. πŸ™‚
  22. I miss Serafima badly, she'd be teasing me something rotten right now. πŸ™‚
  23. English teachers are swines with a cane, I have a few lashes so I know. πŸ˜‰
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