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Everything posted by HappyChappie

  1. The villa is like a packet of crisps for me at the moment, when you open it it's half empty. πŸ™‚
  2. I was doing some of my disco DJing earlier and I come across an old song from the early 80's and I don't know why but I thought of ddhm replying to Harley, here is the song... I Know you're Greek and not Italian dd. πŸ™‚
  3. I'll tell you what attracted me to rlc in the first place and then to subscribe to see more, the naked female body. I am quite happy for them all to lay on their beds all day long naked so I can get a good gander especially the girls I like. I'm gonna stick my head out and say I loved the fake shows we had with Kim, Olya, Diane, Alexandra, Bonnie and Electra. I'd take that all day long to what we get today. That's my humble pov. πŸ™‚ All day poolside parties I like also or just pain lazing in the sun. Parties where you have to have eyes on 3-4 cameras at once I'm not so much for. So if the girls do read our comments...come girls let's have more mass masterbation events please girls! 😁
  4. So not much happened then over night, B4 should be downgraded from 18 to PG. More chance of seeing a bj on Coronation street than B4 these days. πŸ™‚ I do think you lot jinx it sometimes getting an hard on as soon as a bloke enters the villa, if the girls do read these CC forums they know they've already done enough to get you excited when a bloke comes home with them. πŸ™‚
  5. To female offenders open prison? πŸ™‚ This way they have to stay in the apartments 90% of the time. 😏
  6. B1, B2 and B4 are discribed as girls on vacation, in what world do any of you think that girls on vacation are going to stay at their apartments 24/7. Regardless of what anyone here thinks girls on vacation is the concept and girls on vacation from my experience have a lot more fun outside their accomodations, nightclubs and beaches etc. My sub run out late Tuesday and thank the maker, here in the UK we've had a heatwave since and I've been down to my local lake and seen girls of rlc age swimming and having fun and getting drunk these late few days and some have have come had a chat. I'm not saying I will not subscribe again in the future but rlc needs girls to stay more on camera for me subscribe again. πŸ™‚
  7. Sound just like rlc putting the villa UM when something interesting is about to happen...you aint seeing nothing. 😏
  8. Makes me wonder if rlc are opening these free views or do they have a bug running around. πŸ™‚
  9. Oh dear the twins, nice to look at but boring as fuck. For those who want to know which is which do the eenie meenie minie mo thing and the one you land on is Mia. πŸ™‚
  10. I agree with you on that point 100%, it's what I hate the most on rlc when they hide when they are in any of the apartments.
  11. Depends on what you are looking for. πŸ™‚ But B4 was boring yesterday for a Sunday.
  12. Boy B4 must have been boring today if the main point of confession is whether the garage is a garage. 🀣
  13. Let's hope the ceiling doesn't crack. πŸ™‚ Fancy having pussy fall on your face. πŸ™‚
  14. We don't see them because of the covid restrictions, I've posted before about the EU having very strict restrictions on the Ukraine. You can offer a million pounds stering to any such girl but it's getting then into Spain which is in the EU. Which means we get repeats from those who live within the EU and some repeats might be new girls to some. πŸ™‚ And well worth seeing.
  15. He may well have been the maintenance guy like you said and got fired after that incident, it wasn't long after that when Bodgan started turning up to do things.
  16. I don't know who he was but he'd been there all day dancing, chat, even had a kick around in the backyard and drink and eating. It's when they were trying to get him to leave to me looked like no one knew who the fuck he was.
  17. Quote from @moules Thinking back, did not Bogdan move to the villa soon after Lucien (mostly) beat up an unwelcome guest one night. The police were called, one or two girls were hurt. Maybe RLC, after that incident, decided having only girls at the villa would be inadequate security if RLC has a network node above the garage. If that assumption is true, there will always be a guy living at the villa. -------------------------------- That was late April, Bogdan and Nelly moved into B4 in September. πŸ™‚ I would hope any visitors knowing they're on camera 24/7 would think twice before doing any harm to the girls.
  18. It's a big drive could get 3-4 cars in there. I find it hard to believe none of these girl can drive themselves, maybe car hire is expensive in Barcelona. πŸ™‚
  19. What's that famous film quote?...oh yes...I think they'll need a bigger boat. πŸ™‚
  20. All this talk about hidden apartments and no one even mentions the luxury super yacht rlc have moored at the marina. 😏
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