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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. evidence in this case looks more like speculation from your part. As you wrote, this is in your mind.
  2. Getting her kit off and masturbating in front of the camera is what made her so popular. And as RLC is adult entertainment, there are expectations of sexual activities and that is what the tenants are paid for and what we the clients pay for. This doesn't make any of them bad people as it their choice. I find ridiculous when you say that they will not perform when they read negativeness on this forum as the majority of viewers do not write to this forum. You as with many other folks here believe that you have a special status with the tenants are in need of a serious reality check. Now, lets go on with the show and hope that they will provide us with what we pay for as we know they have and will keep doing until they move on to something else.
  3. I agree bro and I believe the next move will be going to sleep. Malia was almost asleep just before they went out.
  4. I guess they have as many addicted fans as they are addicted to their phone since they sit at #1 still 😬
  5. no worries, I like all kind of humor. that was a very good one I must admit. Still laughing 😆
  6. You don,t need a phone when within 2 m from the other person. I think they are 2 distinct realities sadly
  7. Totally agree. Dumped my ex GF b/c of that damn phone. She was 34 acting like 14.
  8. Grow a spine buddy and stop bending over for the mob...
  9. and now I say that Malia needs a female friend 🙄
  10. Malia looks very excited, a penny for her thoughts.
  11. I am for the flogging real or staged. I couldn't care less for the "real life" part of RLC.
  12. where is the champagne? that is quite the birthday party going on 🥱
  13. It"s you. Most of the speculation comes from you although not negative but clearly adulation from you and a few other lost souls here who think they have all the answers and have no respect of others opinions so they gang bang on others like immature bullies completely blinded by their adoration for the pseudo queen of masturbation. As far as I know this is a general Malia and Leora topic and not Malia and Leora adoration topic. You ask for respect and you donèt even realize how disrespectful you are yourself. do everybody a favor and go walk in traffic and make a nice exit splash.
  14. C vrai que ca fait chaud au coeur. Merci, j'avais manqué ce bout la.
  15. OMG I hate to admit that I agree with you. I rarely watch the other apartments
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