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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. Malia is doing such a great job at emulating Leora. I don't think she dropped that phone all night
  2. I agree somewhat, all women who respect themselves and others.
  3. I'll take flatulence over penis breath any day flee bag 🤧
  4. you guys seem to be into penises quite a bit... maybe you should find a more pertinent forum that is more oriented in your sexual preferences. just saying...
  5. J'y avais pensé, alors disons un pion con? ou un con de pion? 🤣
  6. qui sait? peut-être la fin de semaine prochaine!!
  7. Malia gets her cues from Leora. She even has matching phone and also matching the amount of time spent on it. Nothing against her as I do appreciate when Leora uses her as her sex toy. if and when Leora leaves, Malia will also go as the little sheep can't make it on her own 😪
  8. looks like somebody made extra this weekend!! Way to go Leora, if you got it might as well use it or sell it 🙂
  9. I guess you need a certain intelligence to be sorrie 😁
  10. I thought you said you were done here also?? I bet you are still watching them too lol...
  11. jealousy pure and simple. Like no one here got drunk before and acted stupid!
  12. no the problem is between both you guy's ears and we can read that right here 😝
  13. Maybe it's payback time for Malia. Whatever it is, it is very annoying.
  14. Selon la chaussette pédée, il semberait que ce soir il fut lui donner du leste car il s'agit surement de quelque chose de très urgent qui ne peut attendre.
  15. It has indeed been quite a performance check on her phone!
  16. evidence in this case looks more like speculation from your part. As you wrote, this is in your mind.
  17. Getting her kit off and masturbating in front of the camera is what made her so popular. And as RLC is adult entertainment, there are expectations of sexual activities and that is what the tenants are paid for and what we the clients pay for. This doesn't make any of them bad people as it their choice. I find ridiculous when you say that they will not perform when they read negativeness on this forum as the majority of viewers do not write to this forum. You as with many other folks here believe that you have a special status with the tenants are in need of a serious reality check. Now, lets go on with the show and hope that they will provide us with what we pay for as we know they have and will keep doing until they move on to something else.
  18. I agree bro and I believe the next move will be going to sleep. Malia was almost asleep just before they went out.
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