what the fuck is you talking about?
his translator is corrupted but who cares, would you give us proper translation of what they're arguing about or you're going to leave us in the dark as usual?
You can try this site for some translation of the clip
It's not accurate but will give u some idea of what they're saying, it might be hard since both of them were talking at the same time.
He was just going through her bag the other day they argued because she bought some cosmetics for herself
she started to throw them all over the kitchen. This motherfucker is controlling her all the time.
You people are still clueless about this site, this isn't cam chat site where girls perform for the visitors.
How many times this has to be repeated to you so you stop going over and over again about same thing?
How about adding option 5) Rita is staying at Jenny's request until Nora gets home and thinks nothing has happened since both girls are with the guy. So, she (Nora) goes up to her room and Jenny can sneak the guy up to her room. Maybe realizing that Nora will know they get it on but realize they didn't do anything downstairs and so can't go ballistic about doing it on the couch like last time? (I know it's a long shot, lol)
How about you calm down and get down on earth and relax because none of that makes any sense.
Are you saying THAT'S the Suzan in the apartment???
Hot Damn!!
I might have to spring for a month's subscription!!
(just kidding, Kitek. I see Suzan on cam. She appears to be a "pocket rocket".)
Well, Suzan is not Russian name, RLC is not even trying to come up with something reasonable.
I was joking, Suzan is a girl name, she is not home yet, relax.
you don't know
I don't know what?
if suzan is a girl ;)
Try google or see link below
(The Web Page link is no longer accessible and has been removed).