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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Some of you have short memory Jenny, Milana & Coco had sex with guys in this apartment, so what stopping other chicks from having sex? They don't want to do it on camera, simple as that. I'm sure you can read I wrote with one another I never mentionned any guy man or boy in my post. Read your post again: Kiko is a guy You're saying girls can't have sex apart from Nora & Kiko that's not true regardless if it was guy or girl nobody is stopping them.
  2. Some of you have short memory Jenny, Milana & Coco had sex with guys in this apartment, so what stopping other chicks from having sex? They don't want to do it on camera, simple as that.
  3. Wow. I'm sorry you must be missing her at the times that she has been more "active". I've seen a big difference between what she's been showing this time versus her first stay. I've been really happy to see her new sense of freedom regarding showing her body. I have a theory about why they brought her back, but until I feel more confident in it, I don't want to post anything. I'm hoping it may be a good thing. Seriously, you have to be missing the good stuff. Don't give up on her just yet. She's worth the wait. :) I've probably seen most of what you're talking about bookmaster. If you have a theory I can't wait to hear it! I need something to show/tell me there is hope for this site!! I know there is allot of people that would like to think how innocent Kamila, Rita, and Monika are but I have a hard time believing that, with what I've seen during there stays in the apartment. Monika to me was probably the most innocent from what I observed, followed by Rita which spent several nights away from the apartment. Watching Kamila and the way she acted after coming home this morning, leaves little hope for innocence. The first thing she did was go upstairs and walk all the way into the door of Nora's room to see what Nora was doing. Then she went downstairs to the balcony for a couple of minutes before hitting the shower where she washed the heck out of her vagina followed by a real good scrub job on her panties. With that being said, how can it be construed any other way? I firmly believe that N&K have clients and to satisfy their clients these girls go out and do whatever the clients want. All this is just my opinion on what I have observed over time and nobody else's. dfCcap, please help me to understand. I'm not judging you. I like reading a lot of your posts, but I'm really confused by some of your comments. For example, you stated "Watching Kamila and the way she acted after coming home this morning, leaves little hope for innocence. The first thing she did was go upstairs and walk all the way into the door of Nora's room to see what Nora was doing. Then she went downstairs to the balcony for a couple of minutes before hitting the shower where she washed the heck out of her vagina followed by a real good scrub job on her panties. With that being said, how can it be construed any other way?". The reason I'm honestly confused is that, in my opinion, what you have said in that quote could be said about any healthy, attractive young woman. All beautiful young women have active sex lives (Thankfully, for us men). I honestly don't understand why that behavior seems suspicious to you. I know you can't expect these women to be virgins. So, why does any sex they may (or may not) have automatically mean that they are being paid to have sex and are performing this "work" for RLC business reasons? You may actually be correct in your suspicions about this, but I really don't see any evidence of that. Beautiful young woman have active social lives because people like to be around them. Why do you feel differently? Is it just because they are on this RLC website that you feel this way or is there some other reason? I'm asking you honestly. I'm just really curious. I get very angry at times with RLC and the way they treat their customers too. But, I really don't think that Kamila's actions last night were any different than any other young woman her age. Please help me to understand your position. Thanks. he can't go past the fact that it wasn't his dick
  4. Wow. I'm sorry you must be missing her at the times that she has been more "active". I've seen a big difference between what she's been showing this time versus her first stay. I've been really happy to see her new sense of freedom regarding showing her body. I have a theory about why they brought her back, but until I feel more confident in it, I don't want to post anything. I'm hoping it may be a good thing. Seriously, you have to be missing the good stuff. Don't give up on her just yet. She's worth the wait. :) I've probably seen most of what you're talking about bookmaster. If you have a theory I can't wait to hear it! I need something to show/tell me there is hope for this site!! I know there is allot of people that would like to think how innocent Kamila, Rita, and Monika are but I have a hard time believing that, with what I've seen during there stays in the apartment. Monika to me was probably the most innocent from what I observed, followed by Rita which spent several nights away from the apartment. Watching Kamila and the way she acted after coming home this morning, leaves little hope for innocence. The first thing she did was go upstairs and walk all the way into the door of Nora's room to see what Nora was doing. Then she went downstairs to the balcony for a couple of minutes before hitting the shower where she washed the heck out of her vagina followed by a real good scrub job on her panties. With that being said, how can it be construed any other way? I firmly believe that N&K have clients and to satisfy their clients these girls go out and do whatever the clients want. All this is just my opinion on what I have observed over time and nobody else's. Who cares what they're doing outside of the apartment? We're here just to watch them everything else is none of anyone's business. Do you really care so much about her vagina?
  5. van a pasar el dia a la playa , llevan toallas, nevera de playa , por lo menos sabemos que la playa no les queda lejos . nunca me ha bañado en el oceano atlantico , You also take pillows with you to the beach?
  6. Another pointless topic, you can hate all you want, I wonder when will your little brain register that they'll not leave and without them you wouldn't see any guest girls in this flat. Guess you need RLC to write that on the wall in the living room to shut you up.
  7. That proves how poor are the servers on this site, they can't handle heavier traffic. ???
  8. the cams quality is fine but they don't use internal lights much since they get a lot of daylight most of the day & evening, so the image is not that great as the sun goes down.
  9. you love to talk shit don't you, this couple was in D&D apt last week so keep the gay couple crap to yourself
  10. did you catch her in the shower today? I was too late
  11. http://dirtybin.com/60Y http://dirtybin.com/60Z http://dirtybin.com/610 http://dirtybin.com/611 http://dirtybin.com/612 http://dirtybin.com/613
  12. She was asking him to get up and go somewhere (maybe work?) then he got pissed off at her and shouting started
  13. what do you think she has been doing all those nights outside this apt. I doubt it was just kisses ? it's clear she will not fuck in this apt but in his place
  14. Guests 5-22-15. (Video No Longer Available)
  15. nope, it's the red bill inside her panties as her plumbing is leaking at the moment
  16. not it doesn't, she just wants to sleep at 5am
  17. You still don't understand that http://dirtybin.com is part of CC and sharing pics & vids on this host can't get you banned.
  18. back online and they go to chat on the balcony
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