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Everything posted by kitek

  1. He kept saying to her over and over again: I know you gonna cry, I understand btw. She cried the other night when he kept harassing her.
  2. This isn't funny this guy is retarded, I wonder for how long she is going to put up with his stupid shit.
  3. Jenny was just talking to some rich guy who is inviting her to Manaco and will reserve hotel for her, they didn't decide yet if they will go Thursday or Friday. She still tries convince Nikki to go out tonight.
  4. Third night in a row Jenny tries to convince Nikki to go out with her for dinner they got invited by some guy Zheka. Nikki is very hesitant. ???
  5. he messed up the cam angles, created blind spots, like we need to watch the wall in the bedrooms
  6. Looks like one of VV crew is there, you can tell how cheap this setup is Cams out of focus and overexposed.
  7. I wonder how legit is this info with no proof or any explanation where is this coming from.
  8. Looks like the new couple went to fuck in the shower without cam
  9. Why is there a window next to the door in this bedroom ??? ??? Second couple also is very shy not showing anything anyway it got really boring since the second couple arrived, no sex Tanya&Karen keep hiding in the bathroom so they don't bother the other couple sleeping and vice-versa.
  10. This flat is too small for 2 couples, no intimacy at all. I believe there is a second bathroom with toilet next to front door. It must be so small they couldn't get the camera setup properly so if the second couple will use it we will not see them showering at all. ???
  11. Nelly is pissed about last night party because he didn't bother to call her nor tell her about it.
  12. 2nd LR cam image is only sharp on left hand side :o
  13. it must be really cold in there judging by her dress code ???
  14. Balcony is the answer to his problem.
  15. She wants him upstairs in her bed but he refused (scared of the cams )
  16. Apparently parents are coming to pick her up with her belongings
  17. I didn't know Czech sounds like French. :o
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