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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Jugghead it sounds like you may be going off the deep end on the Kitty worship. It takes two to tango and Kitty isn't as pure as the driven snow like you would have us believe. This board is for opinions and DDHM's is as valid as yours. I really hope your plan is correct and she does have her career take off and she leaves all of us losers behind. Until then we will have positive and occasional negative comments. That's Real Life
  2. Welcome to CamCaps. Just so you know, few if any people will post screenshots from RLC. They imbed codes into their images that they can read and trace the member that posted it. They then ban the member. It is not worth it to totally lose access to assist those that don't have subscriptions. There is no upside for a person posting images.
  3. Maybe under the thumb didn't describe it quite correctly. I didn't mean threats or total control, but there is the issue of: they control the return plane ticket. Yes, the girls can easily buy one, but do they want the hassle? Or a final bonus check when they return home in good graces is probably very likely. (I would do that if it was my company).
  4. That is hitting the nail on the head! That was the thing that set RLC apart from the also-rans. RLC cannot compete with VH-TV on a race to the bottom. The sheer numbers of apartments will overwhelm RLC. Now, it you want to talk about Pseudo Lesbian Bullshit Shows, (that's for you Alladino) take a peek at the +7's on VH-TV. RLC had something different and those that are complaining now are doing so because RLC has removed the thing we subscribed for in the first place.
  5. The one thing I wonder about is, as great as the memories are, I wonder if any of them (including N&B) can recreate the times they had 3-4 years ago. That was a different time and place for all of us. And we are asking them to relocate to a different country away from their life, which is what created the good times in the first place. I think if RLC is committed to Barcelona, they need to recruit local Spanish girls the same way they recruited local Russian girls. I don't know if they are capable of that. The participants would not be under their thumb like the Russian/Ukraine girls are and their egos might not be able to handle it. If I was in charge I would make Martina the HR Director/Lead Recruiter and roll with it.
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