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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Interesting that the twins get a notice for 2 days gone and N&B have been gone for 4 days already with no notice,
  2. A couple quick hits I asked my girlfriend to tell me something that would make me happy and sad at the same time She thought for a second, “Your dick is bigger than all your friends…” My girlfriend treats me like a god. She ignores my existence and only talks to me when she needs something. A coworker of mine comes up to me He says, “What’s up man? I have a question for you” “Ok” I reply “Imagine you go camping with some other guys. One night you all are doing a lot of drinking. You wake up in the morning with your pants down to your ankles and Vaseline in your butthole. Would you tell any body about that?” He asks “Hell no!” I answer “Great” he says. “Wanna go camping?
  3. Permanently I hope. I haven't been on either site for years, and I still hope for their demise. The world would be a better place.
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