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Everything posted by madwolf33

  1. if he hadn't yelled at the dog it wouldn't have run over there.
  2. she looked at him like no I don't want to but he yelled at her then she slapped the dog a few time by the sink with a shoe . I think she is scared of him myself. I don't speak what ever they speak. but you can tell some things no matter what.
  3. I sent one also I so wanted to pull them both threw the screen and beat the shit out of both of them
  4. at 8.10 pm until 8.25 pm central time they both just beat that puppy and if they not gone at the end of the month i'm gone. its only $30 a month but I want no part of dog beatings
  5. these people fuck like rabbits and damn they look happy together. I think they keep RLC from going under
  6. this couple is almost as boring as nora and kiko and from I see they wear the same cloths day after day just like nora. and take about the same amount of showers as nora too. one a week.
  7. they only do it under the covers now and when they do talk they seem to whisper so we don't her what they saying. she is hot but this has to be the most boring people in the world. except maybe the new couple I don't like ruslen at all. i'd like to pull him thru the screen and beat his ass
  8. that ass is getting better looking every week not sure if she loseing weight or working out or what but damn i wan to lick that ass for a couple hours
  9. is it just my new computer has a better screen than the old one or is alma's ass getting better looking every week :P
  10. damn she is tall and hot. but i don't like him at all. i like RLC its real i don't want to see porn but it would be nice to see them have at it once in a while. i thought they might do something this morning she was in her panties on top of him and he was dry humping her. but it stopped there.
  11. he is mean to this dog and it pisses me off. its a good thing i don't own that house it would get it kicked out faster than if he hit is old lady.
  12. this sucks I missed her taking a shower. but caught him in the tub taking a bubble bath. just my luck lol
  13. I took a 5 hour nap and came back and the shampoo bottles have been moved so I guess I missed someone getting a shower.
  14. I renewed it for one more month because of the new couple. I watched them sleep all day today and when he got up he was dressed and she put her sweats on under the cover. and he mean to the dog. and so far haven't seen ether of them take a bath yet. so i'm sure they smell pretty bad by now
  15. I don't know how she did it but she had gray sweet pants on took them off she had black panties on put some blue jeans on and pulled them right back off and had blue panties on. and the black ones was in her hand. I don't think i'm going to renew it this month.
  16. not sure we going to see any sex here they both get dress and undressed under the covers. well so far anyways
  17. where is Agent Dog haven't seen him in awhile
  18. I don't know if I have 1 day and 30 min or 30 minutes left it says one day but not sure if it plays on 0 days or not. but really want to see the new girl take a shower before I go. not sure if i'm going to renew it or not this month. its getting kinda boaring.
  19. i'v seen the new couple not sure what one if the 4 is the new couple but the girls are cute. but again I have seen all 4 the males and females come out of the bath rooms and never wash there hands. what is it about people in that country and not washing there hands after getting off the pot. Nora, Isabel. and now katya and the other girl as hot as they are I wouldn't touch any of them until I personally wash them in the tub myself.
  20. they are gone. was on there site when they walked out for the last time. then I got booted out of there house. BOO HOO wish they could have stayed I saw videos of her before she was knocked up and she was hot.
  21. I dont know they have cams up for awhile then turn them off and a few days they may turn them back on so I don't have a clue
  22. I very seldom see any of them take a shower and when they get off the pot I have yet to see nora wash her hands.
  23. I know all cams are on 24/7 but is there a light like say in the bed room on the cam that comes on when someone is watching threw that cam and goes off when no one is watching. or do they not know if they being watched or not.
  24. now i'm heart broken 2 got out ot bed after playing around and they was both dressed boo hoo
  25. wow only in my dreams 3 girls in bed naked and 2 are making out I wonder what I missed before I got in here
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