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Everything posted by Boing

  1. Masha has a very complicated thought: she loves Elvis and by marrying him he will be her only love ... the others are just passing through. In her words it is not only for convenience.
  2. I don't think so; as Elvis told her that a marriage with these conditions means "being exploited" for other reasons, not for love. At one point he said to her << why don't you look for a very rich, older person willing to do what you want: there are many ... but I really don't know if he will give you what I give you>> Passports can also be temporary, but citizenship is something else!
  3. I have not expressed my opinion, I have only briefly shared the topics they have discussed in recent days. By the way, I forgot to mention another detail: Masha asserts that she loves Elvis and wants to marry him (it is she who proposes it to him), but on her terms.
  4. From the discussions of recent days (I did not follow that of last night) the question is a little different. Masha wants to get married to him, but she wants to remain free to have sex with other people and leaves him free too. Masha gave him an ultimatum (as she apparently did with all other men): 18 months of dating, after which either marriage or breakup. Elvis loves her but she wants a more faithful marriage and can't decide because he hopes Masha will change her mind. And sometimes he has the doubt that she Masha wants to get married only for convenience or to have citizenship.
  5. In any case, 2 or 3 of these guys seem to me to have seen them before
  6. W&W and a friend of theirs are also getting ready for the party. It would look like a BDSM party. W&W's friend appears to be the boy who had sex with Aziza
  7. ... A somewhat transgressive place seeing how Ashley and Aziza are dressing
  8. Ashley and the girls from B4 (no Z&D) are getting ready to go out, Dylan goes with them. They have to go to a "place".
  9. In fact, I wanted to comment on her change over the last few days: he hasn't done the crazy, uninhibited things anymore in the last 10 days. I thought she found a boyfriend…and I think that's what we saw last night.
  10. The stains on the couch are cream that they had fun spraying on last night before the threesome. The cream also ended up on the floor. I don't justify them with this: they had to clean up right away.
  11. Shantal and friend are back... they probably never left but they "chatted" in the garage of B7
  12. I was away for 40 minutes... what happened? where are everybody? Is the party over already?
  13. I have two hypotheses about these two new girls: one simple and one crazy. Both plausible in my opinion. 1) the 2 girls are friends of Ashley whom she met in Barcelona. 2) They are girls paid to "animate" the party
  14. Another party tonight in B4? Ari is topping 2 cakes in the kitchen. Ari's farewell party?
  15. I saw Aziza going to B4 from the "secret" passage: I thought he wanted to go to Ari... but in B4 there is only Ari sleeping in Aziza's room.
  16. Ari is preparing the second suitcase: unfortunately I have the impression that the moment of departure is really near. What a pity! I like Ari. Most likely Ashley wanted to spend the last days of her stay with her: the two made a beautiful friendship.
  17. There's a blonde in Wendy's bed, she's in the bathroom now. Is she the friend Wendy has been waiting for? So last night no customers!
  18. Electra and Dylan have known each other for a long time: last night they spent a lot of time reminiscing about fun events they had together and talking about mutual friends. Electra seems to live in Italy: she speaks Italian very well even if in an agitated way and sometimes I don't understand what she is saying. Electra didn't know Aziza because when they met this morning in B4 they introduced themselves shaking hands. I think Electra invited Dylan to attend RLC, but I don't think she recommended him. However this is my guess because I don't remember that they talked about it.
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