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Everything posted by Boing

  1. I agree that there is little to see these days... but they could take away that fucking broken umbrella that hides the whole view (free cam 4.5)
  2. In my opinion, the white dog is not theirs but belongs to some Italian friend who entrusts it to them. In fact, even in the past there have been whole days that he wasn't with them, furthermore Val speaks to him in Italian and the dog understands and obeys.
  3. Side note of the long speech... About Gabrielle: she also has a son like Milena... only I think he's in Barcelona.
  4. Who were the two who just before B4 went UM were in the backyard (cam5.6): it seems they were fucking.
  5. Holy shit! Please ignore Veritas if you hate what he says. I did it, but I find all his posts when all of you answer him: if all those who hate him ignore him, he will talk to the wind and the forum will be calmer. One has to act like this with madmen: let him speak for himself. Having said that, it would also be the case that he was banned: he vomits insults in 90% of posts!
  6. After Mauri's clarification, I withdraw what I wrote in the previous post, but I confirm the last sentence.
  7. Lacrim in the kitchen of B4. He had picked up the broom to clean the kitchen, perhaps to demonstrate that what Dylan accused him of was not true. It's been almost an hour and the kitchen is in the same condition as before and Lacrim is sitting on the chair reading on his cell phone: I have no words! Lacrim, read, read on the forum.... read what most people think about you!
  8. Where are now Aziza and Dylan? near the pool (cam 5.3)?
  9. Who are you talking to? If you are referring to me, you are very wrong: I speak Italian, Neapolitan, Spanish and I understand English! I really don't know what you saw or what you thought you heard - watch the replay!
  10. without any sense? How do you define a person who talks badly when you're not around, and when he's with you he acts like a great friend?
  11. When they were talking near the stove Dylan told him: "You're not a man if you do that. I don't want to talk to you, so go away!" And when Lacrim sat down again, it seems that Aziza took Dylan's defense (speaking in Russian) and Lacrim started saying things in Russian pointing to Dylan. At this point Dylan raised his voice and said: "Speak in Spanish or in English, so I can understand what you are saying about me!"
  12. it is Lacrim who continually speaks bad behind Dylan's back: this is the reason for their discussion (as I already said in a previous post). Lacrim said he wanted to go outside and invited Dylan to come with him because he wanted to talk to him. Dylan told him: "do you want to go? and go!" Then the discussion began: I understood what Dylan was saying, but not Lacrim because his voice was covered by the music.
  13. ?!?! But what movie did you see? Have you interpreted their gestures or do you understand Spanish, Neapolitan and English?
  14. Dylan must have read our comments on cc about Lacrim who kept bad-mouthing him to the girls.
  15. I don't think so, considering how Dylan kept his cool and made him leave.
  16. In reality they are under Dylan's balcony: the voices are heard more clearly and some shadows can be seen that interrupt the light between the plants. Now Sambuka and Lacrim are there too.
  17. In my opinion she remembers nothing: typical after a hangover. Again in my opinion, a few minutes ago in the kitchen she was updating on her cell phone on what happened tonight: her face was frowning. Then Aya came in and started talking to her.
  18. I think so, because when he entered in garage he said "Hey Broth!". Inthis manner he call Fior and Timur
  19. Perhaps he has understood that this group of girls no longer likes him and so as soon as they gather in B7 he disappears. The same happened this morning too.
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