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Everything posted by Boing

  1. Sorry, maybe it's a translator problem, but I don't understand who you're talking about: are you talking about Lacrim or Wolf?
  2. He fucked Ulyana 2 times: 2 times in the afternoon or does that include the probable one off-cam tonight?
  3. Sorry, let me understand... this afternoon Wolf fucked Margo twice and Ulyana once? What did he take? just steroids? Viagra?
  4. Has Fiora already left? Shouldn't she have slept in the room with Amalia and Mati?
  5. Mati is Italian. He is her boyfriend, at least that's what is said in the RLC presentation
  6. He's Italian, Amalia also speaks Italian from what little I've heard...so IMO RLC recommended they speak English so most people can understand.
  7. Amalia is the girl who was the involuntary cause of an argument between Lorraine and Anthony. Lorraine had put on one of her usual fake shows between them, I think in B1, but Lorraine wouldn't let Anthony go beyond some groping. At one point when Lorraine left them alone to go to the bathroom, Anthony jumped on Amalia to fuck her, Amalia pushed him away, but she didn't seem very angry.
  8. ...and in the corridor in front of Shantal's room
  9. I noticed it and deleted the post. Sorry for the mistake, I wonder why I connected Vladelle with B1!
  10. Even B4 empty! In all of Barcelona there are only Martina and Alberto, Gabrielle and Louis sleeping, Harley sleeping, Shantal dividing her time between bed and food. My monthly subscription expires on October 4th, I already canceled it last week and I don't think about renewing it.
  11. No, the stairs on the left lead to backyard 4-7 The stairs to the right of camera 4-6 lead to the external entrance of Nelly and Bogdan's apartment and then again to the entrance of the entire villa
  12. Who knows if this departure was expected or it depends on what happened the other evening in B2. In any case, I'm sorry - another person providing interesting content leaving. At this point a question arises spontaneously: when will Shantal leave?
  13. This is what I said the first time she came to visit her (or did I just think it and didn't write it? I don't remember)
  14. The 3 graces in the kitchen: Nadia with bikini, Ulyana topless and Esmi naked
  15. Wow! Esmi walks naked throughout the house
  16. Ulyana and Nadia are reviewing last night's argument between Sambuka and her boyfriend: they laugh and Nadia imitates Sambuka's gestures especially and the reactions of those present. Funny scene!
  17. I confirm. When I replied to Isidore, Sara and Nadia were in the backyard: they had been there for half an hour and were chatting. Their voices could be heard from the 5.6 cam. Afterwards they returned to the villa: Sara in her room and Nadia in the LR.
  18. Definitely not a tan, the backyard is in the shade. They are chatting
  19. Sorry, I saw what happened on the balcony, I connected right when it happened, but I don't have the replay to see the scene better. It seems to me that Sambuka first angrily threw the glass with the cocktail on the ground in the direction of her boyfriend without hitting him, then immediately after her the boy threw the drink that she had in her glass in her face. Or am I wrong? Can anyone who has the replay confirm or contradict me?
  20. Great class in B2: without underwear and with butt plug
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