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Everything posted by TMR1

  1. What? Corboblanc and Kastromi published personal pictures of them in another thread, which in my opinion is a big no no and might be the reason that they have been removed. no one knows for sure yet.
  2. Their cameras have been removed from the site.... it's over.
  3. Don't even waste your time with this shit. one site is for premium members only, and the oboom site is so slow that they will have sex again before the download is finished. FILEDRIVE PLEASE!
  4. jesus.... did i miss it already? i just got on and paul has his pants on...
  5. I don't have an account but that is fine with me... as long as i can hear them from the kitchen, i will use my imagination for the rest.
  6. I really hope someone is recording this.... sex in 3 rooms so far... now in the kitchen right under the camera.... awesomeness abounds!
  7. this sounds really bad. can anyone translate?
  8. Looks like they got a new cat. The old cat is NOT happy at all lol. love watching these 2 interact.
  9. I see the dog now.... I just got a little concerned the other day lol.
  10. Seems like another pet has gone AWOL from RLC. I saw Maya giving it some medicine about 4 or 5 days ago, but i haven't seen it since. I just see their cat.
  11. Revive a 9 month old thread just to ask a stupid question? you are off to a great start....
  12. crap... leora must have taken the laundry out while i was setting up a screen capture program.... disregard.
  13. I know this won't matter in the future... but right at this moment look at their washing machine in the bathroom. does that look like a dismembered head in there or what?? that freaked the crap out of me lol
  14. or, you know those things that we would blow into to make bubbles as kids? just sayin.... that would be a pretty massive bubble lol
  15. I still don't know what it is... a giant butterfly catcher maybe? all he needs is a net.
  16. ok... theyre both in the bathroom.... let's see what happens.
  17. I answered my own question. It is Illegal, but decriminalized up to 6 grams for possession.
  18. she could have at least walked a FEW more inches to the toilet... no cameras are on that... i mean come on. lol
  19. Anyone else catching the heavy girl puking in the bathroom sink.... not a pretty sight
  20. One of the girls found the livingroom cam earlier so i'm sure Leora has told them something.
  21. I had just woken up and got on the site about 15 minutes before they all came in so i honestly don't know... looks like they are there for a while. for a second there, i thought the girl with the long black hair was Alina lol.
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