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Everything posted by TMR1

  1. Hardly the best moment. it's just showers. The best moments for me go to Alina and Anton's epic hour long sex in the kitchen or Leora's recent masturbating binge.
  2. that one girl with the long brown hair is wearing Dasha's nasty shorts! if she only knew what kind of bugs are crawling around in those things! lol
  3. And it was back up by the time you finished typing. it will be ok.
  4. I was going to ask what happened to all the girls and guys at this party... until i realized that this thread was raised from the dead....sigh.
  5. LOL Dasha and Demid live almost 3,000 miles (2868 to be exact.... yea, i did the math! lol) from Leora and Paul and Alina and Anton. I highly doubt RLC will pay for this young couple to pack their things and move halfway into the biggest country in the world just for a free apartment.
  6. ok that was sick.... the host dude just air hurled all over the place! lmao!
  7. anything happening in the bedroom? our host couple seems to have dissappeared.
  8. 3 girls, 3 guys...lots of Heineken. I'm willing to place some bets on a drunken Russian Orgy tonight! lol Wishful thinking, I know, but I'm hoping there will be some kind of action tonight.
  9. Likely all stained up with all kinds of DNA or Ruslans cooties have come back to life. Ruslan's cooties are probably what carried it out of the apartment lol.
  10. Things I never see on RLC... 1) Veronica and Lucas sitting on the living room couch. 2) Paul lasting more than 5 minutes. (I'm being extremely generous with that number, so Merry Christmas Paul!)
  11. I just tuned in a few minutes ago and noticed the couch is missing... isn't that owned by RLC? are they getting a new one? In my opinion, the 3rd most popular thing to watch on RLC - besides the couples themselves, and then any pets - are the couches. call me weird, but those pieces of furniture hold all of the good stories that go on inside these apartments, and losing a couch to me is like losing one of the pets. if so... RIP D&D couch... we knew you well.
  12. came up as malware for me... not worth it. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
  13. there was one posted yesterday but it has been removed because of copyright violations.... you have to be quick to find stuff on here.
  14. poor girl might as well just sleep in the bathroom; grab a pillow and just camp out by the toilet.
  15. Photos are removed because RLC seems to think that when a couple moves into an apartment owned by them, it becomes some sort of copyright infringement, so whatever is posted has to be removed or "legal action" will be taken against this website for posting without permission. I personally think it's bullshit, but oh well. I can't really complain too much i guess.
  16. nope. the Cams literally came up an hour ago. Only thing I've seen so far is Demid making breakfast.
  17. I won't risk destroying my laptop over a beta version. I'll wait for the finished product, but I do like what i see so far.
  18. nothing to see here... /wave (deleted previous comment).
  19. well that was fast... katya and Ruslan haven't even been gone a week.
  20. ummmm.... where have you been? I haven't been on in a few days but i know for a fact that they spent an entire week in the bedroom, but I guess you missed all that.
  21. well lookit that...NO SEX.... another wasted post. when will they ever learn? Don't take it personally Bullake... just bustin yer chops a little lol.
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