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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. But Rej left all the lights on and half a glass of wine on the table. I guess we'll see soon.
  2. I think they're just going out to pitch the rubbish and probably smoke some pot.....or......the girl doesn't want to be naked on cam and they're taking it somewhere else.
  3. She has her hands all over Rej, but when Rej gets hot and comes back at her, she stops it. WTF?
  4. You're bending yourself into the doggy position for Trump to keep the argument going. What a miserable life you must have.
  5. From what I just saw, it appears that the cop was justified in his actions. She should not have lunged at the other girl.
  6. Breaking the window at the Capital is a felony....jumping thru it is a threat. Breaking a gate at a gated community is a misdemeanor, and that couple went out of their way to bring their guns outside and confront a protest that was marching past their home. You are a fuckwit.
  7. Because they were pointing guns at them. It was a gated community and they were headed for Governor's home to protest.
  8. They were walking past their house with absolutely no intention of bothering those two. That was an unarmed march.
  9. Which made her a DIRECT threat to those inside. Period. Now fuck off about it.
  10. Their aren't any because she was justifiably shot by police. She was a direct threat to safety.
  11. The knife was on the ground and her hands were up. Let's get it straight Nappy.
  12. How the fuck was that cop supposed to know? Anyway, he was cleared as justified and that's that.
  13. She was an intruder who was an obvious threat to police. Now she's dead. Justified shooting.
  14. What exactly does that stupid fucking comment add to the conversation?
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